46 gallon bowfront on a shoe string budget so to speak. Live rock and live sand, really good light, 2 hang on filters, aquaclear, and penguin bio wheel, and a power head for water movement.
Started with a yellow tail damsel though I knew it might be a risk. Water cycled out and has been perfect for about three months now. Added lots of soft corals and all have done great except a clove polyp which for some reason stopped responding.
Added two clown fish along with the damsel and all was doing great. Then I introduced a Royal Gramma and unfortunately within a few hours the Damsel injured it so badly it died in two days, ripped fins, tail etc. The Damsel is no longer in the tank.
Then the LFS owner felt bad and gave me a replacement gramma which was very nice of him, its doing well but only seems to hide in the rocks, only been in the tank for 3 days now so maybe that's normal?
Last night one of my clowns jumped out of an opening in the tank, didn't think they would do that but learned a harsh lesson there, fixed the opening today and got a replacement clown and both have stayed together all day though the Gramma still hides. Clean up crew all doing well, etc.
My question is this: I am looking for probably two more absolutely easy gong peaceful, colorful fish to add next. I actually thought about just making this a coral only tank at one point but changed my mind.
I've looked up and found some fish but thought I'd ask you all for your opinions, since it looks like most of you looking at your bios have been doing this successfully for a while now
Thank you
Started with a yellow tail damsel though I knew it might be a risk. Water cycled out and has been perfect for about three months now. Added lots of soft corals and all have done great except a clove polyp which for some reason stopped responding.
Added two clown fish along with the damsel and all was doing great. Then I introduced a Royal Gramma and unfortunately within a few hours the Damsel injured it so badly it died in two days, ripped fins, tail etc. The Damsel is no longer in the tank.
Then the LFS owner felt bad and gave me a replacement gramma which was very nice of him, its doing well but only seems to hide in the rocks, only been in the tank for 3 days now so maybe that's normal?
Last night one of my clowns jumped out of an opening in the tank, didn't think they would do that but learned a harsh lesson there, fixed the opening today and got a replacement clown and both have stayed together all day though the Gramma still hides. Clean up crew all doing well, etc.
My question is this: I am looking for probably two more absolutely easy gong peaceful, colorful fish to add next. I actually thought about just making this a coral only tank at one point but changed my mind.
I've looked up and found some fish but thought I'd ask you all for your opinions, since it looks like most of you looking at your bios have been doing this successfully for a while now
Thank you