Looking for tank bred vs wild caught articles


New member
Hello, im working on a paper that has to do with preserving the oceans. One of the major parts is about why people should buy tank bred fish instead of wild caught ones. Ive gone through many many articles and if anyone can show me more it would be much appreciated. thank you!
Many opinions about this issue have been voiced, but i like to consider all sides. One major argument for ocean caught is that we are protecting the individual organism and the species and perhaps in later consequences preserving it after the animal may be extinct in the wild. A top argument for tank bred is that by taking a fish (or other organism for that matter) out of the ocean, we are depleting the natural population and for various reasons may end up dying in a tank anyway.

:fish2:Something to consider.:fish2:
Another opinion is, if sustainably collected the reefs will have the collectors protecting them. MO is one of the greatest values economically for a reef. If you take that away from the fisher folk, they not only have no more real incentive to protect it, they typically fall back on subsistence fishing of which the predators are depleted rather quickly, then on down the line.

Breeding fish takes power.. most power production is from fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas, etc)... burning fossil fuels is what some speculate is causing the demise of reefs.

On the other hand, so does flying fish half way around the world in plastic bags and styrofoam.
In response to the power problem I believe that if we could use non-polluting renewable resources to provide our power than we would solve a lot of our problems.
Sorry but to me that is just a pie in the sky given my extenive contact with hatcheries world wide.

ROI on the equipment at this time would not work with a hatchery. They run on very thin profit margins and if they had to invest in such equipment, probably wouldn't last, most likely they couldn't afford it in the first place.
Well you are right about that. Prices for alternate energy sources inany kind of organization whatsoever are usually too high to deal with.

Love the "Feeding your reef...one polyp at a time"
:) I work for Reed Mariculture (Reef Nutrition) so feeding reefs is my life :)

Don't get me wrong though, I am all for alternative energy. I've looked into many options myself but regrettably I just do not have the cash, or am able to get a loan for it :( I hope the current technology comes way down in price soon :)
That would be best for everybody. I am currently researching options for an expiriment of buying a house and making it completely energy independent. Could turn out to be the best thing for me (or the worst...).
IMO the problem with wild v captive is that currently the success rate for fish sold is in the 40-60% range and i reckon (no data to back it up other than experience) that fish in captivity don't live as long - and for sure invertebrates in captivity don't, I cannot believe the number of snails and crabs that i have purchased and have not lasted. Therefore taking them out of the ocean leads to too high a mortality rate to be sustainable.

To me this means that wild caught is a a bad option.

Forget the energy debate, this is something outside of the Aquarium industry - we have the technology to answer this issue now and get Americans working - corporate and political $ are just holding us back - so that is an entirely different debate that is not appropriate here.....
Some stuff on RCT might be helpful:

Don't get me wrong though, I am all for alternative energy. I've looked into many options myself but regrettably I just do not have the cash, or am able to get a loan for it I hope the current technology comes way down in price soon
In the east bay there is a company that "rents" solar panels too you. You pay the same as you would for your normal electricity bill.
Mods, I don't want this thread to be closed, so if the reply is against the rules, feel free to remove it. ok, Back to topic!
Seems like this thread took off on another topic

Flying Dutchman, those are some great articles, i read them all and bookmarked the website.

The paper was due over a month ago so there is no need for this thread to continue, Mods if you would be so kind to close this thread.