Murph72, Carl, Rick, and whoever else may be working on this... I think part of the reason that this could be more than a 1 person job is that the nominating committee could do more than just get a list of names. We've never run an election in the club before, but in other organizations the nominating committee can be very important, and I think it's important that they be "honest brokers." Some ideas on what you might do include:
1. I think you should try to be sure there are one or more names listed for each specific position/office in the club (President, Vice-President, Vice-President of Public Affairs, Secretary, and Treasurer). This might mean figuring who is willing to do specific jobs.
2. The rules say you may nominate one or more people for each position. So, if you find what you think is a great combination of 1 person in each slot, you could propose just that as a "package deal". There would still be individual votes, and nominations from the floor, but I think if the nominating committee made a strong argument, you could be very influential in setting the whole board. This makes the job important and more than just listing names.
3. You might decide that you do NOT want to nominate someone. This would be a harder choice, but if someone is unqualified or has previously demonstrated that they would be a bad choice [no reef experience, malfeasance in some other organization, rants and raves but has nothing constructive to offer] then you might choose NOT to put them on your nomination list. Again, they could be nominated from the floor, but it might be a powerful signal for the committee to approve/disapprove of a candidate.
4. The nominating committee might solicit short bios/statements from each person to post/publicize before the elections. They could also talk with outgoing board members, or longstanding members of the club who have experience with the different personalities involved here, to get input as to who would be the best candidates, and where there might be problems.
Not all of that might be important or even possible this time, and on ideas 2 and 3 there might be a conflict of interest for a candidate (Rick) to be on the committee (we don't want Rick to boot all the opposition candidates off the ballot
). But in the long run, I think a good nominating committee could really help the club get the best people in the right offices.
Thoughts? Reactions?