Loosing tank

Deep Reef

Active member
I'm so frustrated, I bought 2 battery operated pumps last year and they worked fine. Now when I need them they both were doa. We've been without power since 8pm and looks like 1 fish dead and the others are at the surface for air. I'm afraid it will soon be a total loss

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Hi. So sorry to hear. I was just looking up on the internet about this topic, and found a couple of articles for when you do not have an air pump, backup power or generator. Not sure how true it is, but can't hurt trying. This is a direct quote:

"The best thing you can do is to buy a battery-powered air pump and use it to run an airstone to create some water movement in your tank. If you don’t have a back-up pump then you can do this by hand. Simply take a cup and fill it with tank water then dump it back into the tank to produce water movement and air bubbles. Another option is to hook up a piece of airline tubing to the type of hand pump used to inflate bicycle tires. Though this option may not introduce much oxygen into the tank, some level of water movement will be beneficial."

Hope it works and good luck!
I kept a tank alive once after a hurricane by using a Rubbermaid cooking spoon to agitate the water every few minutes.

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I kept a tank alive once after a hurricane by using a Rubbermaid cooking spoon to agitate the water every few minutes.

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It can really be that simple. Sure, your arm will get tired, and it's notthe ideal way to spend a day, but you can save your tank that way.
I saved a tank after Wilma by using the water cup method. Did this for 5 min twice an hour. Pain in the *** but ended up only loosing 1 fish.
You have lots of manual options, as suggested above by other reefers. Personally, I use the cup/bowl method. I scoop up water from the tank and slowly pour it back in. Basically, the water agitation oxygenates the tank. It's manual, it's a pain, but it will work.
A power inverter can be a life saver, too. You hook it to your car, and it converts 12 V DC to 110 V AC. Depending on the size you buy, you van run a lot more than just a powerhead or two.
Update - still no power, had to return to work yesterday, remaining fish/corals dead. Removed all rock,sand and water. Looking to rebuild at this point. Thanks for the advice and help.

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