Recovering Detritophobe
Alright, incase anyone was wondering, my tank still sucks.
The bubble has died, recession slowly continues on what is left of 2 SPS. 1 of 2 unaffected frags has started recession. A coral I moved over from the girlfriends tank (was originally in my tank) has died (typical tip abrasion, sanded look). So as far as SPS, I have 4 unaffected: yellow porites frag, small millepora (which I moved over the the gf's tank, and then back), a very small frag of green acro (samoensis?), and purple encrusting montipora. These, plus a few large frags of poccilopora with a dead base, are pretty much the only SPS pieces I have left. The galaxea is still missing tissue between the polyps, but otherwise looks well. Zoas, kenya tree, clam, hammer, frogspawn and all motile inverts are unaffected.
I have started a series of waterchanges with IO salt (stopped mixing it with oceanic).
A few more things to think about...
I definantly have a nutrient problem, which is driving me nuts. Algae grows on the glass after as little as a day. As far as nitrates, my new API kit put them around 40. The salifert kit is hard to read, but my best guess was somewhere between 25-50. This is bugging me because I couldnt get nitrates in my last tank if I tried. There shouldnt be nitrates... too much flow in the tank for anything to settle and rot... barebottom frag tank with high flow... I even have powerheads in all the sections of my sump to keep crud from settling. I'm skimming pretty wet with an oversized skimmer. I guess I am feeding a lot though... I might cut back to once daily. I'm really not comfortable with that however, as I have 8 anthias in the tank. I know people say they are fine eating once daily, but I know its more natural and healthy for them to eat multiple times. I can't blame this on my new water either - RO water tests 0, as does freshly mixed batches of IO, Oceanic, and 50-50 mix.
Also, the angelfish is definantly picking on the corals. At the risk of sounding like one of those parents that can't admit their kids do anything wrong, I don't think he is the cause, I think he is picking because they are receeding. My main support for this is that corals in the gf's tank are receeding in the same fashion (abrasions, tissue thinning).
I'm pretty upset that the bubble and anemone died. I tricked myself into thinking I didn't need SPS, and that I could keep some hardier stuff, but that didnt even work. I DONT WANT A TANK FULL OF ZOAS :lol:.
The bubble has died, recession slowly continues on what is left of 2 SPS. 1 of 2 unaffected frags has started recession. A coral I moved over from the girlfriends tank (was originally in my tank) has died (typical tip abrasion, sanded look). So as far as SPS, I have 4 unaffected: yellow porites frag, small millepora (which I moved over the the gf's tank, and then back), a very small frag of green acro (samoensis?), and purple encrusting montipora. These, plus a few large frags of poccilopora with a dead base, are pretty much the only SPS pieces I have left. The galaxea is still missing tissue between the polyps, but otherwise looks well. Zoas, kenya tree, clam, hammer, frogspawn and all motile inverts are unaffected.
I have started a series of waterchanges with IO salt (stopped mixing it with oceanic).
A few more things to think about...
I definantly have a nutrient problem, which is driving me nuts. Algae grows on the glass after as little as a day. As far as nitrates, my new API kit put them around 40. The salifert kit is hard to read, but my best guess was somewhere between 25-50. This is bugging me because I couldnt get nitrates in my last tank if I tried. There shouldnt be nitrates... too much flow in the tank for anything to settle and rot... barebottom frag tank with high flow... I even have powerheads in all the sections of my sump to keep crud from settling. I'm skimming pretty wet with an oversized skimmer. I guess I am feeding a lot though... I might cut back to once daily. I'm really not comfortable with that however, as I have 8 anthias in the tank. I know people say they are fine eating once daily, but I know its more natural and healthy for them to eat multiple times. I can't blame this on my new water either - RO water tests 0, as does freshly mixed batches of IO, Oceanic, and 50-50 mix.
Also, the angelfish is definantly picking on the corals. At the risk of sounding like one of those parents that can't admit their kids do anything wrong, I don't think he is the cause, I think he is picking because they are receeding. My main support for this is that corals in the gf's tank are receeding in the same fashion (abrasions, tissue thinning).
I'm pretty upset that the bubble and anemone died. I tricked myself into thinking I didn't need SPS, and that I could keep some hardier stuff, but that didnt even work. I DONT WANT A TANK FULL OF ZOAS :lol:.