Lps coral suggestion.


New member
Hey all, hope a good Christmas was had by everyone? I'm thinking of a new coral in new year but not sure what to aim for any ideas? I have never had success with rock based lps, wavey ones seem to do well. Only sps I have is red monti. Zoas got harrased to death by asterina starfish (harlequin shrimp now in). Always liked elegance but not sure if I have room on the sand? Any suggestions and Placement ideas please?

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I like plate, (fungia), corals. You can go with short tentacles or long. Short can keep them from reaching out to sting others.
Blastos or Acans are hard to beat for color and eye candy. Elegance are nice but small fish are potentially on the menu if they arent careful. They can definitely be a show piece though....
The euphyllias, especially hammer, are tough and prolific. I grew 3 heads of hammer to a ball of heads about the size of a basketball before I fragged it.
Lps coral suggestion.

Another couple of ideas are a Cynarina or a Trachyphyllia. Both would go well on the sandbed if you have a bit of room. I have one of each in my 65g and they are very distinctive - good colours and good space fillers. My Cynarina is about 8" wide at full extension and the Trachy is 5".



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Thanks for the suggestions, am visiting lfs next week so got some good ideas from you guys. Much appreciated.

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