LR worth over 20.00/lbs!!

I would not put that rock in my tank for free. I am not sure what is growing on it but it looks ugly. So many times when people get out of the hobby their tanks are in distress. I have seen this several times on Craigslist. Or like in my case once a month i would remove most of my corals and rocks and clean every bit of glass with single edge a razor blade making it look like a new setup. But the last 2 month much less cleaning. Because i know i am getting rid of it, upgrading from 16g to 90g.
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Naww must be the hair algae aka "plants" that adds the value.

No-no wait my favorite:
"water changes are done with tap water"

Wait thats not nice. I should not make fun. Bet I know were he shops to get his info. I hope he will get his $7500.
Do you see the Xenia pics? They arent even open......

They rocks look like a ninja says I shouldnt make fun...
I think it's fine to make fun of stuff like this.

I mean if you think about it. if he does water changes with tap water the bulbs are probably the original ones from when he set up the tank!

I can understand trying to make your stuff seem a little better than it actually is but this is going overboard.