lumenbright or lumenarcs?


New member
Im going more for the european look.
Im making a custom 48"x30"x22" Rimless/Braceless aquarium.
I want to hang the Pendants so height is not an issue.
I didnt know if to go with lumenarcs or lumenbrights.
I was thinking 2 large lumenbrights 400watt 12k reeflux and just raise them about 16" from the water?
Any Opinions, Pictures will help 2!
i just bought a lumenbright but i dont really like how it looks over the tank. i prefer a square/rectangle figure that kind of matches a tanks shape i guess in a way.

it does put out a heck of alot of light tho.

if you do 2 over 48" anyhow, the lumenarcs will still be more then enough.
as far as the light output though, is it better than the luminarcs?
So the only thing u didnt like was the exterior shape?
yea, they do put out a bit more light then the lumenarcs, but because of its weird shape, it kind of directs light outside the tank as well.