Lunchbucket's 48"x48"x20" Reef

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melev - WOW you have your 280 in it too. Guess I'll look at some pics of your set up for some ideas. I think I can do a 6x7 room pretty easy especially since 75% of the tank will be outside of the room

As for the door going from the bathroom to the fish room I'm not sure depends on the layout of the bathroom. As you can see the drawing doesn't have doors on there as I'm not sure how or where they will go

Yeah we want the furnace hidden (like most homes are now) but accessible. Will have to talk to the HVAC buddies for the definite but from what they have looked at it is easily doable.

PS - Where are the pics of my tank from the trip Marc?

jnaroe - I'm sure we all would like more room in the fish room but I can't spare it :( Not sure about muffling the tank noise. I'm hoping that it isn't too much w/ just some green board on both sides and insulation in between. Will be some distance 10ft or so from any couch

No surge tank. Fuge will be built into the sumps I think I have a pic of the two tanks that I'm gonna use for sumps. The left (smaller) will be the fuge. But no nothing mounted above the tank except maybe a fan.

As far as ventilation I'm not 100% sure but I have my current furnace entrance and exits on that wall where the tank room would go. So I'll make those bigger for fresh air and an exhaust. I plan on using a large CFM fan to exhaust and use negative pressure to intake. I would like to make it so in the winter I can pump the warm moist air into the house as it would save heating costs and humidify the cold dry air.

erics3000 - I do want to install a sink since I will be VERY clost to the main plumbing but we will see if I have room.

jnarowe - Why start now..or again?

Well I ordered 5 of the shorty bulkheads from Aquatic Eco and two of the big basket style strainers today. Should be here monday. Also placed an order w/ Paul @ Oceans Motions to upgrade my 4way unit to a mag drive unit and to get a bigger body. My body for the 4way is 2" in and 1" out. I want 2" in and 1.5" out to allow for less restricted flow from this beast of a CL pump I have. Hope to talk to Savko tomorrow and order my bulkheads soon. Been too busy at work to have time to call

I still haven't edited yours yet, Eric. I just did some from a dive trip for one guy in our club, and then did the pictures from the club's November meeting finally. I'll get to it, but not quite yet. Work has been hectic.

If you do a door from the bathroom to the fishroom, you'd have a sink. ;)

Or maybe a sink on both sides of that new wall, sharing that plumbing between the two. Or if you don't install two sinks, a pocket door would work between the two rooms, and save space.
I like Melev's ideas about the door between the fish room and bathroom for sink access. But in my case, that wasnt possible, no bathroom downstairs.

What I did was buy a laundry room/dump sink, hard plumb the drain to the floor drain in the basement, and hooked some heavy duty garden hose to our washer water supply to feed the sink. I used a Y valve in order to feed the sink and the washing machine simultaneously.

Its a little more low rent, but short of getting a plumber to the house to make the sink more permanent, it was the only way I was gonna be able to have sink downstairs.

Well I talked to my boss today about layouts and he had some great ideas.

We talked about leaving the furnace where it is and make a room around it. Less work :D And make the current tank room the bedroom and use the other "bedroom" for the living room. We would cut down our storage room and put the tank room in the excess room that we cut out of the storage room. Why not make the storage room smaller :D It is basically the same that I drew up except the opposite side. I'll make a sketch up and show you guys...hopefully tonight

Darn this really doesn't work. It would allow me to not move the furnace and encase that plumbing while messing w/ the bathroom


melev - There might not be enough room by the "furnace" room and the stairs. It might be too tight. I don't know how much room is needed by code between a wall and the furnace.

The room in the bottom left (the current tank room) would be cut down to give room for a full length closet in that room.

I need to double check what walls have posts in the them :D I know the bottom left one where that bedroom is has 2-3 posts in that wall.

jnarowe - True true!

jnarowe - You are far to inexperienced to even post in this thread. Might as well just look at the pretty pictures and nod :D

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11275617#post11275617 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lunchbucket
jnarowe - You are far to inexperienced to even post in this thread. Might as well just look at the pretty pictures and nod :D


Way to go Eric.....I just blew coffee all over the inside of my cruiser, I was laughing so hard.

Thankfully, the keyboard still works.....

:lol: I had to double check which journal I was looking at. I thought it was Jonathon's for a minuter there :lol:

So are you any closer to deciding on your layout as yet mate?


Marvin - Mailbox shouldn't be full but I cleaned it out anyhow (sent messages were no where near too many??)

jnarowe - Nothing but love for you man :D

Nick - No problem. Where you checking your posts on your phone in the Bacon Mobile?

Chris Wright - Not sure about layout but I like the one that I did last night better. Just need to make sure on the code for walls around furnaces and need to make sure I have enough room from the corner of that wall to the edge of the stairs. Needs to be user friendly too.

I checked the walls for posts last night. There are posts on the south (on the picture if south is down and north is up) edge of the stairs and in the North wall of the bottom left bedroom. But there are none on the other wall (north bedroom). So it would make more sense for me to do it like the 2nd drawing as I won't have posts to work around they will stay in the walls that they are currently in.

On another note I ordered my bulkheads from Savko today. They didn't have S x S in Sched 80 so I bought 1.25 as they will fit my 2 3/8" holes that are in my tank now!! Ordered 10 :( I need 6 for the back wall closed loop, two in the overflow, and one in the sump for the return pump, and got one extra just in case. They are slip on teh flange side and thread on the back side.

Now I have all my bulkheads ordered. My aquaticeco order should be here tomorrow for the shorty bulkheads. I need to go to the pet shop in town (they have NO salt only a few freshwater stuff) and get a tube or two of Aquarium silicone and silicone up the whole inside seals of the sumps to make sure that I seal out any copper or anything that is in the silicone. Also, tomorrow I'm going to call the glass shop and have my baffles for my sumps made so I can silicone them in right away. Might be a decent weekend for sump work (bulkheads, tie them together, silicone, baffles). I'll get a sketchup drawing of the sumps done. I have one about 90% done right now.

Sketchup of my sumps

These two (left 30gal, right 40gal) will be connected by PVC. In a few pics you can see 3 of the 4 bulkheads. Got lazy and didn't do the one on the 40gal on the bottom :D Oh and I didn't draw in teh pipe or the unions.

Looking through the 40gal into the 30gal. 30gal is a fuge and 40 gal is sump for heaters and acclimation. Not sure If I will put my skimmer in sump or not.

See the route the water will take when it hits the 40gal. Back towards the front of the tank to journey to the back again where teh return pump will be. This "raceway" will help make my sump flow front to back like I want

I'm getting the glass cut tomorrow. Hope it turns out well
Nick - No problem. Where you checking your posts on your phone in the Bacon Mobile?


I prefer the term "Monkey Mover", since there is always one monkey, (Me, a Housemonkey driving it), or another, (some A** Monkey who wanted very badly to ride in the back).

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