MACNA Raffle can you believe it?

Rich, from Rhode Island....I won the 125 Living Color tank and stand. Since I couldnt get it home I sold it. The beautiful handmade coral inserts from Living Color i sold to World Wide Corals and the tank and stand to a nice couple from your Florida Club. I wanted the bandsaw..but you win some you lose Alot of fun. Where else can you go and empty your wallet buying corals and equipment and still come out smiling because of the good time. empty wallet or

You win some... some!?

Dude, you won a lot!
Do you have the room for 3 pairs of clowns?
Lacy, thank you for all the hard work and the offer to help me take my tank home. I'm glad your were able to get your chiller home safe and sound. I will always be forever greatful to have a friend like you.
And I am very thankful to you and Marcus for helping me with the chiller. Post some pictures of the tank when you get it set up.
I won the 300 DD tank and even with all the negative thoughts that were fed to me by FMAS members and low ballers that surround it me after my winning. I got it home at ZERO cost to me.


By the way, it's not about the amount of tickets you put in. It's about how do you think, act and respect others, that get you all prices in life.

Thanks to these guys with the 300 tank(john and kelly) if it wasnt for them then the 125 gallon tank from living color that we won would still be there at the Westin. They drove 100 miles with their truck to take the 125 to my hotel room. Thanks John and Kelly, who I had never met before after the conference that night. What nice, well better then nice, people to help us out. They are angels sent to the Westin. You cant meet a better class of people then John and Kelly.

We won the Apex Lite - a bashsea reactor - a Vertex Zeovit reactor - and my friend won an MP60

It was definately alot of fun participating, and there were a ton of great items donated.

Thanks to all!
And I am very thankful to you and Marcus for helping me with the chiller. Post some pictures of the tank when you get it set up.

We got it up and running yesterday, I will and the video will be posted on YouTube
I won an auction for live rock rubble, but I was helping out upstairs, so I had to stand outside of the room where the auction was, so I couldn't hear anything, I could only see the numbers on the screen. By the time I pushed my way through the crowd to get inside & say I won, the announcer wouldn't let me have it even though he didn't even start reading the next ticket. Oh well, I'm just glad it was 10lb's of rubble (I don't remember putting any tickets in that raffle & if I did, it was purely an accident). I guess that's what I get for volunteering all weekend even though I bought a full conference pass, lol. If it was for the 300dd or the custom RAD & Boyd tank, you better believe I would have gone ape-poop.

I also won some Fluval salt. Carrying that thing all the way back to my car was quite the workout. By the time I got back to my car, I was covered in sweat & my hand was stuck in the grip position.

I know Rage won the Reef Savvy/St. Jude auction. I was really glad to see someone local win that, especially a fellow Canes fan, club member, and fantasy football mate. The only person I would rather have seen won would have been myself, of course.
I won an auction for live rock rubble, but I was helping out upstairs, so I had to stand outside of the room where the auction was, so I couldn't hear anything, I could only see the numbers on the screen. By the time I pushed my way through the crowd to get inside & say I won, the announcer wouldn't let me have it even though he didn't even start reading the next ticket. Oh well, I'm just glad it was 10lb's of rubble (I don't remember putting any tickets in that raffle & if I did, it was purely an accident). I guess that's what I get for volunteering all weekend even though I bought a full conference pass, lol. If it was for the 300dd or the custom RAD & Boyd tank, you better believe I would have gone ape-poop.

I also won some Fluval salt. Carrying that thing all the way back to my car was quite the workout. By the time I got back to my car, I was covered in sweat & my hand was stuck in the grip position.

I know Rage won the Reef Savvy/St. Jude auction. I was really glad to see someone local win that, especially a fellow Canes fan, club member, and fantasy football mate. The only person I would rather have seen won would have been myself, of course.

Sorry Blair but it was not Rage who won the Reefsavvy tank it was me