Macro algae and chemi pure blue


New member
Does anyone have experience with running both together? I have a 6 months old Nuvo 20 and would like to run cheato for nitrate control (was almost 50ppm before my last large weekly water change.) My only worry is that I have been running chemipure blue (5.5 oz bag) for 4 months and my phosphates have been unreadable. Experience in freshwater planted tanks has taught me that no phosphate=dead plants. Is this the same case for cheato or are ultra low phosphates good enough to grow?

Also i know the first instinct is to say feed less but I would rather try the heavy in heavy out approach than the starve my pets.

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marine algae is very efficient at sucking up phosphate. Usually your problem is getting rid of it. What is remarkable is that a place absolutely green with runaway algae can test zero for phosphate---because all that algae has sucked up all the phosphate and keeping it bound so it can't be read by the test. If your cheato is healthy and green it has the phosphate it needs, and its job is to suck it up and prevent algae from getting any.
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Awesome! Thank you! I have chaeto coming this week. Hoping it can suck nitrates down under 10.

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