Macro Algae Tank Journal (dialup Warning)

looks like the Caulerpa Floridana grows the slowest.
What do you think?
What happened to those red species you had way back, I don't see any in the aquascape?
Do you need detectable nitrate and phosphate for healthy growth?
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Very beautiful! You are having great success with Halimeda, I see. I lost all of mine for an unknown reason. My DSB refugium is similar to your tank, just a bit wilder as its main function is PO4 reduction. Chaetomorpha is dominant followed by C. taxifolia. A few interesting reds and turtle grass complete the pictue. I have a pair of Trimma rubromaculatus and Pseudojuloides cerasinus, along with a few shirmps and lots of 'extras'. This is definitely the most fascinating tank I run and would highly recommend such an adjunct to any reef.

Love the giant barnacles! By the way, the needle fish is D. pessuliferus. I had a pair that spawned every 10 days of so. Lost them to an unknown cause. Plan to find another pair. Great fish!

Keep us all posted! What are your water quality parameters?
"looks like the Caulerpa Floridana grows the slowest.
What do you think?"

Actually it grows just as quick as any other caulerpa species - it just decides to randomly die off in certain sections and grow in other directions...


"What happened to those red species you had way back, I don't see any in the aquascape?"

Any red species that go into my tank end up turning green and then clear - and then they die ...I believe it is either a lighting problem or an iron deficiency.


"Do you need detectable nitrate and phosphate for healthy growth?"

No. I have never seen a reading in any of my tests...


"Wow, beautiful tank. How often do you have to prune your algae? Also, how do your fish do in this type of tank?"

Thanks. I prune about once a week or so. The fish seem to do great - I went with a bunch of small, peaceful fish, so I really don't see any aggression - besides the shrimp gobies warning others to stay away from their hole :] And all the fish aren't shy being no larger fish in the tank, so in one sitting, you will see ALL of the inhabitants.


"What are your water quality parameters?"

The past times I've checked - nothing registered (nitrates, phosphates, etc.) but I will check again Saturday or Sunday and post 'em up here :]


I will be able to update everyone with new pictures this Sunday :] Do you want to see more full tank shots - setup shots - or inhabitant shots?
Are you using an iodine supplement? This may be required by the red macros. I add two drops of Elos iodine spplement daily to 300l/80G. Generally, the one red I have grows slowly unless there is a constant influx of nutrients. Also, mine prefers middle strength lighting, not so high as with Caulerpa. I get the feeling certain algaes need a matured tank to do well. Whether this is from a build-up of certain elements or simply a nutrient problem, I have no idea. Generally speaking, some NO3 and PO4 are good for the algaes. I try to maintain 1ppm NO3 and 0.02 ppm PO4 to keep things healthy, which is not difficult with my larger fish. Actually, my macros are the main PO4 reducer for the main reef.
Just keep doing what you have been doing. Your pictures are great. I kind of like full tank shots of your set-up. You really can appreciate the beauty of it.
The only thing I dose with is B-Ionic 2-Part calcium buffer - everything seems to do well, so I don't think I'll be playing with any other chemicals or supplements until the tank is well established. Pictures Sunday :]
I love the natural look to this tank!! I just re-did my rock work so I could get a better layout for some macro... now I have to find somewhere that sells different kinds so I don't get hosed on shipping! Most places are sold out now...probably due to weather? Nice tank though, you've inspired me to do a planted marine aquascape!
"Nice tank though, you've inspired me to do a planted marine aquascape!"

Thanks! That's what I like to hear!

"Do you have sell macro algae plants when you trim the plants down?"

I usually trade and sell the trimmings to my local fish stores - with each trim, it's difficult to get a real good portion of one select species of algae; if I had a grow out tank where I could just let it go, then I would definetly have a bunch to spare - but my trimmings right now are very miniscule... except for the grape caulerpa - but you can get that anywhere...

You've come up with just about the perfect salt water aquarium. I've been keeping freshwater planted tanks for years and have been getting more and more excited about the salt water possibilities. Your choice of algal species is great and your fish are some of my favorite species. Gobies are the best!

Thank you very much for sharing your aquarium with us. I'll be drooling over it for a while to come.
while inspired to do a planted tank, my inhabitants were merely hungry :D. I put in some calurpa (the grass blade looking kind, not the feather), some grape calurpa, and some red stuff. 2 days later it's all gone, and I think I have some fat and happy mithrax crabs and turbo snails! jerks... I guess I'll just keep the rest of the stuff in the sump!
dzeadow - I'm having the same problem. The caulerpa will grow faster than they can eat it, but the pretty red stuff I've added just turns into a snack. I'm catching the emerald crabs one by one and moving them to the fuge where they can eat all the caulerpa and chaeto they want. If you really want some macros in your tank you might need to consider the same thing. Once the caulerpa gets established it will grow faster than they can eat it. Maybe you can get it started in your fuge before transferring a lot of it at once into the main tank.
sounds like an idea. I have a bunch down there for now, once it starts rolling I'll transfer clippings into the main tank. I was also thinking of somehow suspending an acrylic rod from blinds in the tank and wrap the macro around that..basically out of reach from the culprits!
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