Macro algae tank. Would co2 help?


New member
Hi there,

So I have set up a 150 litre macro algae tank. I have added several species and my plan at the moment is not to add any fish as I just want a plant only tank (I realise this is unusual, I just have snails in for clean up).

I am dosing it fertilisers every day and trying to get the paramaters right.

My question is around whether I would benefit from co2 injection. I have got a very expensive and good led on it and I want the plants to grow as fast as possible.

I have not seen much info regarding it being done So I'm unclear if it's even beneficial. Also Would I be able to use a ph controller to keep the co2 at the optimum level?
Yes, CO2 can help. Carbon is plant's most important nutrient and CO2 is their favorite form of carbon.
Yes, CO2 can help. Carbon is plant's most important nutrient and CO2 is their favorite form of carbon.
C02 is a good thing.
In the old days and I mean really old days, in fresh water tanks we would make our own C02 reactors with sugar and yeast to feed the plants.
Ok thanks, the co2 thing is completely new to me. My current ph is 8.2, could I set the controller for the ph to say 7.2 to increase the co2 significantly but keeping the ph at a safe level?
Instead of dosing co2, consider operating a calcium reactor. In that manner, you will get carbonate & bicarbonate alkalinity as well as trace minerals. During photosynthesis, carbonate & bicarbonate alkalinity combine to form glucose which is macro biomass.

What fertilizer are you dosing? Macro algae combines C:N:p in the ratio of 560:30:1. While nitrogen and phosphate are major nutrients, you should dose iron & iodine as well.
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Instead of dosing co2, consider operating a calcium reactor. In that manner, you will get carbonate & bicarbonate alkalinity as well as trace minerals. During photosynthesis, carbonate & bicarbonate alkalinity combine to form glucose which is macro biomass.

What fertilizer are you dosing? Macro algae combines C:N:p in the ratio of 560:30:1. While nitrogen and phosphate are major nutrients, you should dose iron & iodine as well.


Thankyou for your suggestion. This sounds like a good idea as I have just read (after doing some research following your post) that macro algae normally uses hco3 as opposed to co2 which bad algae prefers.

I am currently using tnc complete fertiliser (my plan was to use this initially and see how it goes, and slowly aquire individual things to dose seperately as needed)

However I have actually had a reasonably good success with it maintaining the nutrient paramaters. I have only had to buy magnesium to dose separately so far.

I am keeping nitrates 5-10
Phosphates below 1 but tracable. Normally around 0.1.
Calcium 400
Ph 8.2
Nitrites 0
Ammonia 0
Iron 0.1
Iodine (I don't know off memory but I am checking it and it has been ok)
Magnesium 1300

So with the nutrients being at what I think is the right level and the light I have been very good I would have guessed the carbon my current limiting factor which is why I am wanting to increase this. Would you recommend a calcium reactor for this then?

Thankyou for your suggestion. This sounds like a good idea as I have just read (after doing some research following your post) that macro algae normally uses hco3 as opposed to co2 which bad algae prefers.

I am currently using tnc complete fertiliser (my plan was to use this initially and see how it goes, and slowly aquire individual things to dose seperately as needed)

However I have actually had a reasonably good success with it maintaining the nutrient paramaters. I have only had to buy magnesium to dose separately so far.

I am keeping nitrates 5-10
Phosphates below 1 but tracable. Normally around 0.1.
Calcium 400
Ph 8.2
Nitrites 0
Ammonia 0
Iron 0.1
Iodine (I don't know off memory but I am checking it and it has been ok)
Magnesium 1300

So with the nutrients being at what I think is the right level and the light I have been very good I would have guessed the carbon my current limiting factor which is why I am wanting to increase this. Would you recommend a calcium reactor for this then?

Calcium reactor will contribute to carbon dosing. Initially, co2 gas lowers pH which dissolves aroggonite which supplies calcium, magnesium and trace minerals. During this process, hydrogen ion combines with carbonate ion to form bicarbonate. During photosynthesis, the bicarbonate ion combines to form glucose, which is carbon for the reef.

All algae consume co2 during photosynthesis. This includes zooanthellia in coral. The order of plants in the marine environment is seagrass, then seaweed (macro algae), which includes nuisance algae species, then micro algae which is phytoplankton.
Calcium reactor will contribute to carbon dosing. Initially, co2 gas lowers pH which dissolves aroggonite which supplies calcium, magnesium and trace minerals. During this process, hydrogen ion combines with carbonate ion to form bicarbonate. During photosynthesis, the bicarbonate ion combines to form glucose, which is carbon for the reef.

All algae consume co2 during photosynthesis. This includes zooanthellia in coral. The order of plants in the marine environment is seagrass, then seaweed (macro algae), which includes nuisance algae species, then micro algae which is phytoplankton.

Thankyou very helpful I'm going to go for it.

Still battling micro algae but I'm hopeful the problem will lessen as the macro grows