Mangrove tank

Cool! Sponges are very difficult to ID. More important at this point, is how did the seller care for it. Did they tell you what conditions it was maintained in previously? I only ask because I am close to getting a sponge or two myself. Since successful sponge keepers are a rarity, it would be very valuable to find what worked for them.

Congrats on identifying your Chondria macro. It's beautiful!
Beautiful tank! How often do you cut your caulerpa? Does it go sexual on you?

I remove caulpera every couple weeks or as needed. I have had colonies go sexual but I have always caught it before it nukes the tank. You can't let it overgrow, that's key.

Speckle Sponge
Phorbas amaranthus

I looked at some pictures and didn't see any close matches. I contacted the guy I got it from and he said he didn't have the ID, but he calls it purple plate sponge. Do you have a lot of experience with them, rick?
Saw this at LFS, this is labeled Phorbas amaranthus.
Thinking it looked similar
Little bit of a shake up in the tank today. Did a huge caulpera and other algae export and added some new stuff. I got the halimeda sampler pack. Check it out

So inspiring to see this! I can tell from your full tank shot you really did some tidying. I need to do the same. It's nice to get it done.

Halimedas look great! Are you maintaining high calcium for them?

Nice pics!
Thanks Michael, it was quite a bit of work. I filled a big red solo cup all the way full with algae, mostly caulpera.

I never had much of a desire for halimeda or these other species of calcareous algae due to their calcium requirements, but the last few months I've actually been supplementing and have virtually ceased to do water changes. Additionally, I have recently put in a new water pump that has increased the circulation pretty significantly. With all these things I felt like the time was right to get some new stuff and the halimeda sample pack was the choice I went with!
Wow, nice! Increasing water movement is always a good thing. Those halimedas will look even better, when they start multiplying. With enough plants and a low bioload, you can forgo water changes. whoa…
Wow, nice! Increasing water movement is always a good thing. Those halimedas will look even better, when they start multiplying. With enough plants and a low bioload, you can forgo water changes. whoa"¦

That's the idea I'm going for. Autotroph based system, minimal nutrient input, minimal maintenance.

I did some rearranging and some handy work today. I tied down my dragons breath and placed it finally. I also did the same with my Chondria: the increased flow was starting to push it around so I tied it down using a terra cotta anchor and some clear plastic strips I fashioned from my plastic gloves I use. It is now firmly in place.


Submarine portion of tank

Nice. Your tank looks to have ideal conditions for your new additions. How you liking the additional current with the new pump?
I like it a lot. It took some adjusting to keep everything from blowing around the tank, but now everything is good and secure and I can tell that the flow is going to benefit the whole tank.