Mangrove tank

The second pic's background is just the aquarium. Did you mean the third? The third pictures background is the wall behind the aquarium.
Nope that is beneath the water! It's the part that has my soft corals and DB on it. You should be able to see those if you look closely!
My leather coral extending its polyps next to some Halimeda opuntia. This is a clone from a colony a purchased about 7 years ago. It has grown very slowly in this tank and I am more than ok with that.

My mermaid's fan has sprouted several babies. They seem to grow very fast!
Hey guys, I found some beautiful pictures of orange mangroves, so I thought I would share them with you. Hopefully 5, 10, 20 years down the road my trees will look something like these!

I just spent a better part of my hour going through this thread and I have got to say.


Everywhere I turn i see more inspiration for my tank.
Thanks for looking through the thread, there's quite a bit to get through! When I was first getting this tank established I had a lot of inspiration from other peoples' tanks in this forum, so I'm very happy to do the same for someone else. Cheers!
I applied what I think will be the final bend to this branch. I feel I have achieved an acceptable angle at this point. I'll leave the wire on for 4-6 months and when I remove it should hold that shape. Now for the branches on the rest of the tree.. Long way to go.


Here are the mangroves I grow outside my dt. I'm not exactly sure what the plan is for them yet, but I'm glad they're doing well. 2 species of orange mangrove and 2 copies of white mangrove, and my black mangrove.

My Acanthophora (purple algae center) is beginning to spring back into invasive quantities after a hard prune back a few weeks ago.
Sam, you and I have taken it up a level on the pic posting, haven't we? And your Acanthophora is gorgeous!

It blows me away how similar our tanks are, yet kinda different. We both have the 'macros gone wild' thing, but with different macros. You've got some softies, I have an anemone and a gorgonian. Plus we both are cultivating higher plants, but different ones.
Sam, Michael, very impressive set ups! I like the acanthophora.
What about hair algae and bryopris, do they grow in your systems?