Mangrove tank

Salicornia spp. are commonly known as glasswort, samphire, and pickleweed. These plants grow in a variety of saline environments including: marine coastal locations, salt bogs/marshes, inland seas (I.e the Great Salt Lake), and in my case salt patches on the American Great Plain! I've read studies where these plants have been submerged in salt water and have been able to survive for long periods of time. I plan to see just how tough they are! This plant is already in my mangrove tank, with its roots immersed. I don't plan on submerging it until I start seeing new growth on it.
I have found a couple different common names for it: Pickleweed, American glasswort, and Virginia glasswort. From the pictures I have seen on google, it seems that this plant and its congenitors are found in salt marshes and on beaches. I bet they can also be found in estuaries and deltas. I am not sure if they are ever found right up on shore like the mangroves are. They don't look strong enough to withstand the waves. Then again, looks can be deceiving.

Most of the pictures I have seen of it show a small, compact bush, but I have found a couple pictures of very big, "mature" bushes. So I guess size is pretty variable. It must depend on environmental factors.

Interesting find, saltwater sam!

Edit: Oh! I guess I got beaten to the punch! :p What is the big red macro in the second pic? It looks fantastic.
I'm not sure what that red algae is, it came with a red variety pack I got and I never got an ID on it. I have two colonies. They have these fluorescent blue green tips sometimes, almost looks like sps!
Nice thread! Just curious on where you found the Bruguiera sexangula (Orange mangrove)im looking into adding one to my refugium
Hawaii! I have a couple extra that I have sprouting in my "nursery." They're acclimated to saltwater and ready to go in a tank, and for sale if you're interested.
Hawaii! I have a couple extra that I have sprouting in my "nursery." They're acclimated to saltwater and ready to go in a tank, and for sale if you're interested.

Would love one!quick question what water paremeters are best suited for them?and lighting?right now my refugium is being lit with a 54 watt par38.would it be any different than the red mangrove or black mangrove?I'm trying to grow out the red to be big enough to put in my overflow
Gonna photobomb ur thread:bounce3:

This is my new 60F(still being built) reef with red and black mangroves-lot and lots of aerial roots and some still coming down and a couple pneumatophores
Rhizophora apiculata"tall stilted mangrove" I like how this species has red growth tips and leaf veins

Bruguiera cylindrica"small-fruited orange mangrove"

Can anybody ID this red algae? I've had it for a while and it's remained an isolated colony. It has a "fur ball" like texture. Very slow growing.
i don't have an id, but it can take over pretty quick. my tanks are full of it and it is my biggest maintenance task. it's like cotton candy. I would get rid of it if i were you.
Thanks I'll do that. I think that competition with the other algaes has kept it in check, that's what keeps one species of caulpera from taking over. But this red stuff has pretty much no ornamental value so it's outta there!