Mangrove tank

Any new growth on the pickleweed? Is it adapting?

I like how you've got a lot of macro algae diversity. I imagine it's nice to have something fast-growing to keep you entertained while you wait for the magroves to grow!
The Salicornia hasn't grown, and I believe that it's at the end of its season. The ones I have outside are dying back and so is the one I have inside. I think I will try again in the spring when the plants are young, and possibly from seed.

It's great having all the macros! I remove multiple ounces of caulpera every few days, it's a lot like gardening. All the caulpera I take out is exporting the nutrients they extracted from the tank, Kind of like removing skimmate from a protein skimmer.
How on earth do you plan on fitting anything else in there? It looks stuffed to the brim, from this last picture!
Just two, a male and female. The female isn't quite as pretty, but she'll keep the male looking good haha. When you got your mollies were they fw or sw?
Mine were in fresh water. I did a long acclimation of about a half day. Plus I'm not at full seawater salinity.

Keep an eye on the male. They're trouble. I read that most folks keep a one male to multiple female ratio, because of the harassment factor. Or no males at all. I have two females. One has become dominant, but not as mean as a male.
Plenty of fish are aggressive to their own species- especially the opposite sex. Betta fish are like that, as well as most marine fish (at least in the confinement of a tank). It wouldn't surprise me at all to find that mollies are the same way. On the other hand, the tank is pretty big, so you might not notice any aggression between them.
Well luckily the two have been getting along. The female is a bit larger than the male too so that might help deter aggression.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Like you said, they may be fine. They should be fine with other fish. I certainly have no previous experience with them. It's just what I read.

Male aggression is the reason for harems, I think. The more females, the less crap each one has to take from a male. I'm planning to do at least two harems in my tank. One with royal grammas and one with cherub angels.

Anyway, they're beautiful! Best of luck!
My last new plants before winter:
Avicennia rumphiana
Avicennia alba
Osbornia octondata

They are all in fw for now, will be acclimated to sw after signs of new growth
If they all survive that'll bring me to 11 species. The mollies are doing great, the male is behaving. The mollies and clownfish have actually been swimming together!
Wow! 11 species. Before this thread, I didn't even know that there were more than 3 species of mangroves!

It's cute that the mollies and clownfish are swimming around together.
It's very hard to find species not native to Florida. I've kind of gone crazy collecting as many species as I can. There are so many more id like to collect but I'm limited on space! It'll be nice having a bigger tank in the future.
Thank you Sam, for making me feel like I might not be the most obsessive loony of the bunch! What a wonderful collection!

How bout a pic of each!?

And do the mollies look weird with the clowns?