Mangrove tank

Br55mnon- I'm not sure what you mean.

Michael- you can rest easy knowing that I'm probably crazier than you are :)
Case and point:

Avicennia germinans American black mangrove

Avicennia rumphiana

Bruguiera sexangula six angled orange mangrove

Bruguiera cylindrica small-fruited orange mangrove

Ceriops decandra short-spurred mangrove

Ceriops zippeliana

Laguncularia racemosa American white mangrove

Osbornia octondata Myrtle mangrove

Rhizophora apiculata tall-stilted mangrove
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Awesome! Inspiring! Thanks for the pics.

We're all mad scientists, me thinks. Which of course, is my highest compliment!
I've done that. Posted a reply, only to realize the thread died like 5 years ago. Now I check the dates first…
Couple more shots of the Bruguiera sexangula I'm renaming this species from six-angled orange mangrove to sexy orange mangrove. Try and stop me!

Ceriops decandra - I've noticed that the new leaves on the plants I have from the genus start out red brown and turn green as they develop.

Growth tip on Bruguiera sexangula, about ready to open new set of leaves.