mantis & solvents


New member
i read (on the lurkers guide i think) that mantis dont like solvents and that it will kill them as they are very sensative.
what does the solvent do to them?
would things like deoderant be a problem as my tanks are in my bedroom and i use it in there all the time?
are all things like cleaning agents a no no? even if its a few metres away from the tank.
This probably came from me. I've had my entire lab stock wiped out by a variety of solvents. The one that surprised me the most was when the custodial staff waxed my floor. We lost over 400 animals, some that had been in the lab for years. However, you should realize that many of our animals are kept in non-circulating cups of water. It takes a lot more exposure in a circulating tank to be lethal. Still, stay away from strong solvents like paint and paint thinner, insecticides, disinfectant sprays like Lysol, formalin, acetone, etc. I don't think that deodorant would cause a problem in a circulating tank, but it would in a cup.

I never, never use soap on a system. We disinfect with bleach and rinse, rinse, rinse. Be particular careful with plastic. A variety of compounds adhere to it and you just can't get rid of them.

As for the mechanism, it involves an arginine phosphate energy system found in the raptorial appendage muscle. If you have kept stomatopods for a while, you will have encountered animals with "sprung" raptorial appendages. The propodae are permanently extended. This happens when they are too cold, too hot, low oxygen, solvents, just about any physiological assault. It is the first sign of severe stress and while not always fatal, usually signifies that the end is near. If the animal recovers, it will lose the raptorial appendages (tear them off), but can regenerate them. Back to the energy system. It generates lots of energy quickly, but is very sensitive to metabolic poisons. We think this is why the animals are unusually sensitive.
what can i do as i am going to paint my room in a few weeks when i get my new tank stand? any precautions i can take to stop them dying?
About all I can suggest is use lots of ventillation, perhaps seal the tank, and move the animal temporarily to another room. You can hold even a big Os in a 5 gal tank for a couple of days, particularly if you use an airstone. I honestly don't know how long paint fumes dissolved into the tank will remain in the water, but given my experiences with solvents, I would be really cautious.
There is a good way of dealing with the problem. Place an airstone in one corner of the tank and then cover the the tank with clingfilm or plastic. Get a very long length of airline and situate the pump in another room entirely or even outside. This way, only clean air gets in the water and the slight positive pressure in the tank keeps the painty air out :)
My pleasure :) . I tried to setup for a Mantis a few months back. I has a tank custom made out of 10 mm glass, 24" square and 12" deep with a divided partition at the back for skimmer etc. I got a Prizm skimmer, two bags of different grade coral sand, several kilos of Red Sea salt, a mercury vapour pendant I already had and a pair of Tronic heaters. I then realised that you cannot get Mantis shrimps in the UK :( .

The tank currently houses a pair of weather loaches and some white clouds...
does anyone else run a skimmer on their mantis tanks?

bummer about the mantis in the uk astra!
why cant you get them?

thanks for the idea. i might have to try it or setup a eclipse 6 for a few days in another room maybe?

long time, no see moviegeek. have u been staring at your mantis for a few months?