I finally caught this little bugger! I tried DIY traps, the glass against his rock trick and no luck. I gave in and bought a "professional" trap a few weeks ago and had all but given up on that working too. I have not fed my tank for 6 days and figured that Mr. Mantis would be plenty hungry by now, so I baited the trap this morning and put it near his cave. I couldn't believe it when 15 mins later, out he came! Went right into the trap and BANG!, He was caught!! Right in front of my eyes!
So much time and energy went into catching him I just can't believe how easy he went for the same bait that he turned his little nose up at all this time.
Anyhow, he's not long for this world if noone wants to come and get him. I'd prefer someone local that can pick him up, I don't want the hassel of shipping it out. Is anyone close by looking for one? I had promised him to someone, but don't remember who, so he's up for grabs. No charge, if you can come and get him, you can have him. I wouldn't refuse a frag or two in trade though!
I have a couple of pix, they're not real good so I'll give a quick description. He's blue, a nice light blue, about 2.5" maybe 2.75" with some red highlights on his back and cool looking yellow legs. I'll attempt to post the pix now.
So much time and energy went into catching him I just can't believe how easy he went for the same bait that he turned his little nose up at all this time.
Anyhow, he's not long for this world if noone wants to come and get him. I'd prefer someone local that can pick him up, I don't want the hassel of shipping it out. Is anyone close by looking for one? I had promised him to someone, but don't remember who, so he's up for grabs. No charge, if you can come and get him, you can have him. I wouldn't refuse a frag or two in trade though!
I have a couple of pix, they're not real good so I'll give a quick description. He's blue, a nice light blue, about 2.5" maybe 2.75" with some red highlights on his back and cool looking yellow legs. I'll attempt to post the pix now.