

New member
I went to my LFS today and asked about them about ordering a specific mantis for me. the thing is, he said he wont know what kind i will be getting or anything about it. Anyone have any suggestions? or good online places to buy them?
Alright, I heard that Tampa bay saltwater sells the Neogonodactylus wennerae species. Is this a good "type" of mantis? are they aggressive? I'm pretty sure they are smashers. What will they need to live? I'm thinking about gtting one , since they r only 8.95$
Well my lfs probably gets in O. Scylarrus, and i particularly like that species. the most popular species os the O.s. right? I;m just guessing that because i've heard they have good "personalities" and are colorful. im going to ask my lfs how much they would sell it for if i cusotm ordered a mantis, thanks though.

I went to my LFS today and asked about them about ordering a specific mantis for me. the thing is, he said he wont know what kind i will be getting or anything about it.

just because people have certain species on here doesn't mean that they went through a lfs that said this...
they specifically went and ordered one, through LFS's or online, with people that knew what they were getting.
if your LFS says they can get one, just don't know what species, the most common ones are N. wennerae, or similar small, drab species... which would be cheaper for your LFS to get in, and they would want to get more bang for their buck, so selling you a cheap lil smasher for alot more makes them more money, as opposed to getting in a special one that THEY THEMSELVES will have to special order.

just don't be disapointed if you don't get what you want...
Yeah, that just occured to me. Now, I was just going to get them to order it anyways, if the price is right. I was figuring they might get a Peacock Mantis, just because I want that to happen and I don't want any doubts. I have my tank setup with about 2-3 inches of sand so I hope its a spearer. Well thanks for the info. When/if I get it, I'll get a pic to have a correct identification.
Dan87 said:
Yeah, that just occured to me. Now, I was just going to get them to order it anyways, if the price is right. I was figuring they might get a Peacock Mantis, just because I want that to happen and I don't want any doubts. I have my tank setup with about 2-3 inches of sand so I hope its a spearer. Well thanks for the info. When/if I get it, I'll get a pic to have a correct identification.

Okay, wait a minute. When you order your mantis, tell the LFS that you want a spearer. Then describe it. "A spearer has little pointy spears for arms. He stabs things." Then describe what you DON'T want. "A smasher has little clubs, and uses them to smash things." While I don't expect a run of the mill LFS to know Gonodactylus from Odontodactylus, they better be able to get a spearer in if that's what you want.

S !

LFS - "Did you see the sweet peacock mantis we got in?"
me - "You mean that G. Smithii over there?"
LFS - "No, it is an O.S. I assure you."
me - "Really? Those are some mean meral spots for a species that doesn't have them."
LFS - "What the heck are meral spots?"
me - :rolleyes:
I know exactly what you mean. But he told me that the wholesaler he gets them from doesnt get much mantis' in. He told me" A mantis?! Well, they are rare, and if i got one, i wouldnt know anything about it." The guy, to me, seems he doesn't know much about the fish in the store. His employees are much more of a help than he is. So, I'll ask one of them next time. I know Generally what a Odontodactylus Scylarrus looks like. So if he tries to cheat me I'll just tell him what I KNOW it is/isnt, and pay and leave the store and order it online. thanks for the info. Also about the "Tell him exactly what you want" I dont want to be mean and make him look like an idiot. a 15 year old telling off a 40 year old may look like hes very unexperienced, and since thats the only "good" LFS near me then, i dont want to get on his bad side. When i go in next time ill ask him if his "guy" has any spearers in, and if they do to order it for me and ill buy it when they get it in. And if i get a smasher, ill tell him his guy is a dumbass and tell him to send it back for a REAL spearer. thanks for the info though python
Alright, well im just going to tell them to order me one, and whichever species i get... i get. but thanks


I have yet to see any spearers for sale from a retailer or OFS - just the occasional hobbyist. Neogonodactyus wennerae are cool little mantis and can be fairly colorful (mine was bright red but changed to olive green after molting). I also have a peacock which are very cool but generally come in a bit larger so plan tank accordingly - they 'can' get big enough to smash glass but according to Dr. Roy this is rare but it could happen.

Many wholesalers/transhippers will list it on their order form as a 'clown mantis' 'peacock mantis' or 'harlequin mantis'. This still isn't guaranteeing you'll get an O. scyllarus but it should be something equally large and colorful hopefully (G. Smithii are cool looking too).
yes i know. when illg et it, which should be in about 3 or 4 wks, ill show a pic and get aq good identification on it.
My dad is sending me Base Rock for my tank sinceI don't have reef lights and no LR. Right now my tan is just a fake plant, and 2-3 inches of sand. I'll get my base rock maybe next friday or next monday. I decided to order from Tampa Bay Saltwater because my LFS would probably sell the mantis for 30$+ whereas TBS sells then for 8.95, and if I'm correct they charge 8.00 for the ship. I'm very excited about my mantis and will ahv pics up as soon as possible. Until then I'll have to sit here and just think about it.:rolleyes: