

New member
Hello everyone,

been watching / reading about this Mantis shrimp thing, and have decided that i want to get one... how do i get one, without paying like a fortune in shipping ?

I Will setup a species tank just for the guy.

Can anyone help me out ?

Does anyone have one they want to give away ? :D


:bounce1: :bounce2: :bounce1: :bounce2: :bounce2: :bounce3: :bounce3:
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What part of the country are you located in, We have a few shops in the Bay area that usually have some.
Check with your LFS, they should be able to order you one when they place their next fish order. I'm setting a tank up for a mantis unforunately it's not ready yet. I was at a LFS yesterday and they had Peacock Mantis'. They said they can normally order them with no problem.