Marc`s DIY 900g Inwall System

And a couple more updated tank and coral pics.



Still have to get a couple decent photos of the face...ill get some soon.

Heres one of my ninja skills at work


Heres one from when i finished off my little den/sitting room where the tank is viewed from, on the left wall.
I still have work to do in there, but apparantlyI got "two thumbs up" so i was happy :D.

I will update very soon with updates on the skimmer and controller.

Thanks all and Happy new year !

All your new toys or ideas are just amazing me. I love your little probe station, and your multi-reactor is also ingenious. Thank you yet again for the update, just because! :D
Awesome work yet again, Marc! I'll concur with the two thumbs up!:D
Can you give us a flow diagram of the reactor plumbing? Is it all fed from the reactor feed pump (BTW which pump are you using for that monster?), or does the body simply hold the reservoirs for the other media?
Great Setup! I love how organized and thought out the fish room is. It must make things nice. Im in the middle of designing my new fish room and am trying to make it as organized and neat as yours.

Quick question, how long have you had the Niger Triggers in there? How are they behaving, eating, etc? Do you think you could get away with one or two in a smaller tank? Say 220 or so?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8840196#post8840196 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Fudge


Yes, i believe it was the first unit in north America to a hobbiest.
I recieved it more as a Beta tester for just the north American versions, with its converted outlets and such.

Sorry for not noticing you were Canandian!
I spend a few lovely vacations there when I was younger and still lived in Germany.

I think the first batch available was just in the last couple weeks however.

Yes, Proline in Canada is the distributor for North America, I believe, and I've pre-ordered through, but am still waiting to receive the unit.

All in all a wonderful unit.
For everything that i have set-up, it has peformed flawlessly.
But i really have yet to touch its potential, unfortunatly i have not yet coverted my PC`s to T-5 and so unable to use its dimming features and capabilities

Good to hear! Are you planning on getting some of the dimmable ballasts or one of their light fixtures?
I wish I were and electrician and could convert my TEK fixture, because I know I won't be able to afford a new light at this point.

Looking forward to further updates, and you are right: the bamboo blinds rock! :)
So does the fish room and the tank! <g>

Ok, still to read the thread but from what i have seen so far i think i am in love! I really like your aquascaping, clean and eligant.

Im such a rook with computers, i wish i could show you a flow pattern...But i bet it would be faster for me if i drew it and sent it snailmail.

While i did mod a few things on it to suit my needs, i didnt make the reactor this time, its a Marine Tech reactor.
The cost of these things is getting better and better in the last few years, i remember paying that and more for a good commercial reactor of about a whole pop can sized capacity 7 or 8 yrs ago.
So i opted to buy one this time around, now i can head to building a little better of a skimmer.

It is recirculating with a sedra of about fist size...ill have to post the actual type after i can slide it out to see the top half of the pump.
The feed is just tee`d off my main system pump, wich now, is just a dart.

The first chamber is attached to the pump intake, bioballs, water/co2 input are ran through this chamber.
The second is the main chamber.
the third one is upflow @ effluent rate and is being fed from the main reactor chamber.
This inturn feeds the 4thand 5th upflow through magnesium and finally P04 remover.

Reef waters,
Nigers have been in there for about 4 months, they are awesome but just too agressive of feeders.
Corals are all left alone, but get so excited at feeding time and latley have become almost too much.
As you can see in the pic, i could litterally just catch them by hand and take them out.
For instance yesterdayI had a fish that went into my overflow, i retrieved it with a net and he got stuck a little when i was placing him back in the display, and needed some work to dislodge from the net.
the net and two hands and a flailing fish wont even hold them back, they woulda bit him in half in the net before they even realized it was a tank mate since theyve been in the tank.
Once placed in the tank the triggers went back to ignoring him.
Recently they have grown strong enouph to bite through my skin aswell, this was my fault from hand feeding them for a few months...needless to say i dont do this often anymore.

the whole unit is looking amazing buddy. there is definitely some coral growth, although further inspection with a case of wobbly pops might be necessary to be sure. the reactor of dosing/probe sump look sweet.

do you think your skimmer is not keeping up or just going bigger for future plans?
Absolutely incredible. The scary thing is a lot of the reefers following this thread are waiting to see what new changes you might make to a fish room that seems beyond perfect even now. Loved the mini sump for the probes. Looking forward to seeing how the Balling Method works out for you if you use it. BTW what are you dosing now?
Reading through this thread makes me want to rewire and reconfigure my fish room, not to mention trying to imitate your rock work in my next tank.
Great stuff. Thanks for sharing.
If you might, can you tell me why you prefer the Tunzes over the initial
O.M. setup?
AWESOME!!!!! The best system I've ever seen!!! Do you clean your tank religiously or you have a secret recipe for it, the tank is just so damn clean for a relatively new tank. ize.
I assume the biological cycle of the whole system is still less than a year old.. correct??? awesome.....absolutely clean....