Marc`s DIY 900g Inwall System

Hi Marc,

Wow, fantastic setup!

I went to Denis's house yesterday and picked up the frags from our group order. I think we'll all be happy to put that one to rest.

I was checking out Denis's basement fishroom and grow out system, looking at all the DIY stuff like the fiberglass tanks and he said I should see your's. Man he wasn't't kidding, you guys out in the valley with your DIY everything and your basement fishrooms, well done.:)

Anyway, it looks great. Do you have any new pics to show us?

Talk to you later
Thanks all,

Yeah, finally, i do have a couple new pics Cprower ,sorry i took so long ;).

Ill start with the canopy/lighting.

6-Led`s were put in, but i think id need about 640 more of them to looklike ive left them at that. ;)

I finally got some halides mounted above the canopy, for when it`s slid away.
These are just bulbs and reflectors, i placed a electrical socket between ballast and bulb on the existing set up, so when i move it i just plug in those bulbs instead, avoiding the need for additional ballasts.



I also was wanting to divert the airflow going into the canopy across all the lighting.
Aswell, block the light that was shining into the fishroom(and my neighbors house)...i noticed the police did a few extra passes by my house.
So i placed a rubber skirt around it.


When i was on the step i had originally for the tank, if i was up there for more than about 20 minutes, my back started to seize i made a walkway around the tank.
After using it now, i cant figure out why i didnt do that a year ago ;)
I even got alittle carried away in it and mixed some epoxy with aragonite for a good non slip surface :D


I was also wanting a more reliable way for dosing kalk,top-up and additives, possibly in the future trying the balling method.
So i picked up a Tech III NG dosing unit.
After getting that set up for what i wanted to use for now, i was distracted by the piles of lines everywhere off the unit.
So, i put up some new shelving and slotted it for the lines so i could hide them from view.



My lighting timers have always bothered me since day one, they were for the most part mechanical timers, but i refused to spend a couple hundred on digital ones when a controller would have been better.

I was fortunate to have the oppotunity to be the first hobbiest in North America to have recieved a controller that has been out in germany for a while now.
The Profilux II Plus, has been fitted with the 110v socket outlets, aswell as the translated manual and display language.

All in all a pretty slick little unit.


It has an astounding array of possiblities, and i have yet to figure them all out.
There was more than a few qualities in this that sold me on it,
to mention a couple,
A big one was the probes, very nice and good quality to say the least.
It was Tunze ready....or any variable flow pumps im sure.
Another was the Remote display unit, that i could mount outside the fishroom.
It lets me just glance at the parameters without going in the room to see the head unit or equipment.



I finally had a chance to clean up all the lines and cords from this equipment, heres a couple behind the scenes.




Very nice! Your attention to detail is outstanding.

I am going to be working in Abbotsford for the next two weeks and would love to come see it in person. I'm very interested in your venting and airflow solutions.

Shoot me a PM if your available.
This is unbelievable! You've done a fantastic job, and now I just want to rip my fishroom to shreds to make it look like yours! I love it!!! :inlove:

What is the walkaround made of? It looks like some type of plastic polymer? Or did you just paint it with some type of epoxy mixed with aragonite? Sweet!!

Your light skirt is really complex, yet super efficient and easy to use. I lol'd at your comment about the police driveby's. They don't even visit me anymore. ;)

The doser set up is so clean, and your controller makes me drool. I'm glad I'm subscribed to this thread, and even more so that you updated it with the latest. Your tank looks like it is doing great.
Amazing system.Marc
Planning & the equipment you use nothing short of perfection.
As far as live stock that thick staghorn is amazing ,I am going to pay you a visit soon.(don't worry ,I will bring my own fraging tools)
Very happy to see the first profilux go on a perfect tank like yours
Keep up the good work bud.
thank you all,


I might be able to fire up a few more on the weekend for you.


The walk around is just ply and 2x4 construction, i just beveled the edges and painted it.

Yeah, aragonite and epoxy for the tread surface...i took a spill off the old one, that wont happen again....

Cprowler, Anytime your up to it your welcome over.
Ill be at Macna late next week though.

Speaking of Macna, whats the funny shirt youll be wearing Marc ?...ill have to stop by and say Hi! !

Halmotors, Id love to...but its a special only works if its on my system ;)

I'm not going to spill the beans about my shirt, but you'll definitely be able to see me in a crowd. :D

Thanks for the explanation about the walkboard. It really looks Space Oddessey 2001. ;)
man i had the privlege to check out marcs tank on the weekend and let me tell ya, i was awe struck. the pictures do not do justice. it is truly THE cleanest setup and tank i have ever seen, and it is dead quiet. even when we went in the fish room there was only a tiny hum of the pumps. i was truly inspired for my new tank. thanks again for having me over marc. i'm just waiting for the next invite. :) just kidding, no pressure!
I really like the macroalgae you have growing under the rock overhang, but it's not quite in focus. Is that halimeda?

Thanks, BTW. I've really enjoyed this thread.
Thanks for the tour Marc, very impressive.

You put a lot of thought and time into all the equipment and it's installation and it's really paid off. I'm re-doing all my wiring to try and get it half as tidy as yours. :)

Thanks again and have fun at MACNA