hello all,
Thanks so much for all the kind words.
Guess its time for me to do some updating
All has been well, i have changed some things...im wondering when i can call it "finished".
And of course the corals are still waaay too small.
I am in the process of designing a bigger skimmer, so i was gonna wait to update...but i guess i can show you when the time comes.
Yes, i did do a ton of hours on it...more like a reef "bender".
I use a couple items from the zeovit line, but still have yet to delve into the "bacterial" portion of the program.
Im a little lost on your question in regards to the ply board.
Yes, i believe it was the first unit in north America to a hobbiest.
I recieved it more as a Beta tester for just the north American versions, with its converted outlets and such.
I think the first batch available was just in the last couple weeks however.
All in all a wonderful unit.
For everything that i have set-up, it has peformed flawlessly.
But i really have yet to touch its potential, unfortunatly i have not yet coverted my PC`s to T-5 and so unable to use its dimming features and capabilities, wich are a very strong point for that unit.
Nor have i yet hardwired it to my computer to access or use its software.
Some goodies for it are on the way, and should be able to do some playing in a week or so on it...ill update there very soon.
A couple changes were just upsizing the reactor, i had also wanted to run some Mg and p04 remover..so this 5 stage reactor let me put it all in individual chambers.
I grew tired of looking in the sump to check lines from the doser/reactor/stirrer to see effluent rates and calibrate and clean probes.
So i made a "mini sump" to bring all the probes and effluents to to a more manageble area on my equipment shelf.
Another "wish id done it a year ago" upgrade.
Heres a little more updated shot of the equipment portion of the room.
The skimmer will be replaced soon, im designing one a little bigger for the system.
I really dont care what you guys say...my bamboo blinds kick a$$, recognize.
Back of the tank