Marc`s DIY 900g Inwall System

Marc, I have seen several VERY nice tanks here on RC, but yours blows them all away, it is so clean looking, I bet you do have a ton of hours of work in it. Was wondering if you were running Zeo Vit ? The viewing ports are out of this world cool. If this is old school, I need to go back in time and study, you have my vote for a future TOTM :)
Inspiring.... Marc L. was saying the tank is made of plywood and fiberglass, sorry if I'm wrong but I just read thru and remember the fiberglass part, tabs for overflows and other equipment but where does the plyboard come in?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8405506#post8405506 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goldleaf Reef

I second this, would be great to see some new pictures.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8411862#post8411862 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hammerswinger
What is the average life of a LARGE plywood tank?

Depends on how well it was built to begin with. Properly built it should last 20+ years.
I just came across your thread after reading the German forum Korallenriff!

I have a Profilux II Plus on pre-order and it seems you are the first US owner of one!
Can you tell me what your experience with it has been so far?
Have you been able to get help with your power bar problem?

If my tank is ever going to be one tenth as beautiful as your's, I'll be happy! :)
I just came across your thread after reading the German forum Korallenriff!

I have a Profilux II Plus on pre-order and it seems you are the first US owner of one!
Can you tell me what your experience with it has been so far?
Have you been able to get help with your power bar problem?

If my tank is ever going to be one tenth as beautiful as your's, I'll be happy! :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8835383#post8835383 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by siskiou

I have a Profilux II Plus on pre-order and it seems you are the first US owner of one!

He is Canadian :)

Seems they have been available up here for a couple of Months.

I have some friends in the Seattle area that are going to be one of the first to carry the Profilux controller. After seeing this thing at MACNA in Houston I'm about ready to dump my ACIII Pro.

By the way it's that will be carrying the controller.
I never was able to puzzle out how someone might make a plywood tank look good - and you've more than done that. The presentation quality is top shelf. From the "viewing room" you would never suspect that you were looking at a big plywood box.

I may have to consider plywood when I build my monster tank (many many years from now). Easier to work with than acrylic or glass, IMO, especially if you are fabricating your own tank. The way my setup will likely be would require the tank to be on-site before the basement is closed in, as you'd never get it down the stairs, unless it's built in-place.

Of course, the fish room quality matches the excellent workmanship everywhere else in the project. Bravo.
clean clean clean....awsome tank makes me like hockey evan more
eh.... going to steal some of ur ideas very nice great job...
hello all,

Thanks so much for all the kind words.

Guess its time for me to do some updating :)

All has been well, i have changed some wondering when i can call it "finished".
And of course the corals are still waaay too small. :(

I am in the process of designing a bigger skimmer, so i was gonna wait to update...but i guess i can show you when the time comes.

Yes, i did do a ton of hours on it...more like a reef "bender".
I use a couple items from the zeovit line, but still have yet to delve into the "bacterial" portion of the program.
Im a little lost on your question in regards to the ply board.


Yes, i believe it was the first unit in north America to a hobbiest.
I recieved it more as a Beta tester for just the north American versions, with its converted outlets and such.
I think the first batch available was just in the last couple weeks however.

All in all a wonderful unit.
For everything that i have set-up, it has peformed flawlessly.
But i really have yet to touch its potential, unfortunatly i have not yet coverted my PC`s to T-5 and so unable to use its dimming features and capabilities, wich are a very strong point for that unit.
Nor have i yet hardwired it to my computer to access or use its software.
Some goodies for it are on the way, and should be able to do some playing in a week or so on it...ill update there very soon.

A couple changes were just upsizing the reactor, i had also wanted to run some Mg and p04 this 5 stage reactor let me put it all in individual chambers.


I grew tired of looking in the sump to check lines from the doser/reactor/stirrer to see effluent rates and calibrate and clean probes.
So i made a "mini sump" to bring all the probes and effluents to to a more manageble area on my equipment shelf.



Another "wish id done it a year ago" upgrade.

Heres a little more updated shot of the equipment portion of the room.

The skimmer will be replaced soon, im designing one a little bigger for the system.

I really dont care what you guys bamboo blinds kick a$$, recognize. :p



Back of the tank
