March 15 NYRC meeting back in Staten Island

jarrett shark

New member
the NY REEF CLUB is having a general meeting at our annual house ""Richie 400gal", For all those people who missed the NY REEF CLUB's last meeting we look foward to see you at this meeting!!!!!

This will be a RSVP meeting so make sure your an active member so you can see what changed from his reef from last year !!!

Date:Sunday March 15, 2015 1pm-5pm
Were: Richie Karagozler
Address: email will go out

Please go to To sign up if your not a active member

Meet n greet new members, reef discussions of member tanks, discuss Richie tank, raffles, auctions, and lots of reef fun.

One week away. Please remember to RSVP so we have a head count.

I have a wedding out of town on Saturday night. I'm hoping to get on the road early so I can make it back in time for the meeting Sunday. Going to try my best to make it. Richies is always a great meeting would hate to miss out and not see how much his reef has matured in the last year.

I have a 6" niger trigger and an 8" red corris wrasse for free ( corris is going to be difficult) if you want them or know anyone that wants them I will be taking them to Richie's tomorrow and they will be ready for your bucket on Sunday.