NYRC November meeting

I dont my cucumbers and sand dollars do ...I have like 5 cucumbers and a few sand dollars they work great also I keep my phosphate down and add specail blend and zeo coral snow ..
your tank is such an inspiration sure wish I could see it in person maybe next time. how do we ask reefcentral to make it TOTM? outstanding reef congrats,
Thanks for the great meeting folks!

Charlie, thanks for opening up your home and your time. You are appreciated!
Great meeting. Pictures look great and none if them do this tank justice! So much better in person. Thanks again Charlie for hosting. Also for setting us up with your LFS for the hookup after the meeting. So much good stuff added to my setup. All around great day
I really wanted to and intended to attend this tank tour. Charlie's system looks great and wanted to see his techniques and methods. Hopefully there's another time to do so. Unfortunately the unexpected occurred as usual :sad2: