marine depot refractometer


New member
I have on i was wondering what to use to calibrate it,

i have 0 tds distilled water

i also have pinpoint 53.0mS calibration fluid ,

i have calibrated with the 2 and there is a considerable diffrence

i think i read somewhere that pinpoint fluid should only be used with the pinpoint monitor , thanks
Thanks for your post, yes you should only use the Pin point calibration fluid for the pin point monitor. Distilled water or Reverse Osmosis Dionized water ( RO\DI) is usually the best way to go. Feel free to contact us with any further questions.

Walter F
Marine Depot Customer Services
714.385.0080 Phone
714.385.0180 Fax
There was a thread a while back here on reef central showing the large error one can get on their refractometer y calibrating it with distilled water. You should use a 1.026 calibration fluid, distilled water auctally gives a -.001 reading on a refractometer.



There is a difference, im getting a .003 difference between the 0 tds water and the pinpoint solution,

thanks for the link
not a problem, like I said it's not a big difference, but when you are trying to maintain perfect salinity it makes the diff.