Marine Net Inc


New member
Went by today and I couldn't possibly say enough nice things about them. Absolutely excellent setup, beautiful corals (and many many corals), great prices, and some of the nicest people that I've met.

I went in there for 1 coral (Dendrophilia) and left with 6.

Below are the pics, not sure if it'll work from my canon account, but if not I'l repost them to photobucket.

Also if anyone could ID the second one I would be very appreciative.


not quite sure




They sure are stepping it up. Big ups if you are looking for nice zoas, acan , scoly , favia
Hammers, torches ,chalice, and of course fish you must stop in to see them this week!!!!!
Cool stuff, those duncans and trumpets grow fast. I had one head of each about an year ago and now they are like 10-15 heads on a frag plug lol, need to chop them
Went by today and I couldn't possibly say enough nice things about them. Absolutely excellent setup, beautiful corals (and many many corals), great prices, and some of the nicest people that I've met.

I went in there for 1 coral (Dendrophilia) and left with 6.

Below are the pics, not sure if it'll work from my canon account, but if not I'l repost them to photobucket.

Also if anyone could ID the second one I would be very appreciative.


not quite sure





I live right around the corner from them and never even knew about them until last month, needless to say the guys there are all great, they have great product, offer great support are easily my top go to spot for livestock and coral.. Best part is when I was in there this past weekend they're going to be expanding they're SPS selection. Can't wait!

Yup, thats what they told me too. They will be putting sps tanks along the left side once you walk in. I'm looking forward to seeing it once it's done.
I've been feeding the dendro, acan, and the duncan Fauna Marin Ultra LPS Grow & Color Pellets and they seem to be going crazy for them so hopefully they get bigger with it. I've always just made my coral food in the past, I just don't have a lot of corals and fish this time around in my nano to make it worth stinking up my kitchen and making a mess. So we'll see how they do.
I just went there this past weekend and I was impressed, I will also be going back there again. The manager and staff were helpful and informative, I left with a couple of fish and they seem to be doing great so far and appear healthy. Thanks Marine Net
I picked up a pair of Swallow Tail Angels (male/female) and a Large Red Coris wrasse . . . Great fish and a good deal!
Whats up Steve fish pic up statements are worthless without pics lol...lets see some ......

Crimthann your correct on this Bernard is a real nice guy and usually has some very nice selections ......+1