Marine Net Inc

I was also extremely impressed with this store. Another FMAS member told me about it and now I wish I could only go there for my coral n livestock needs. Just wish it wasn't so far from FT.lauderdALE. Thank god their awesome deals make up for the gas I use to get there.
I drove from West Kendall up there because my wife wanted to pick up some things at IKEA and they are about 12 minutes from there. We made a deal and i took her so she had to go to the store afterwards lol. It was well worth it. Its been two days since I picked up my tangs from them and they eat everything and graze the rocks and seaweed clip all day. I don't want to jump the gun but I have never had such a positive response with tangs from most local stores here in Miami. I guess its since they medicate their fish, I know it isn't a full quarantine but it helps.
Yea this place has lots of variety, a little far north for me, but definitely worth the drive. I bought a huge Alveopora about a year ago from them, and it's still alive and going strong.
I also bought two blood shrimps from them for $15 each, still have them in my tank. Great prices and they are all super cool guys!
I drove from West Kendall up there because my wife wanted to pick up some things at IKEA and they are about 12 minutes from there. We made a deal and i took her so she had to go to the store afterwards lol. It was well worth it. Its been two days since I picked up my tangs from them and they eat everything and graze the rocks and seaweed clip all day. I don't want to jump the gun but I have never had such a positive response with tangs from most local stores here in Miami. I guess its since they medicate their fish, I know it isn't a full quarantine but it helps.

There fish are a mixture of local wholesale and tranship ....90% of the fish at all stores are coming from the same local wholesalers once a week or so a few stores tranship directly in .....Marine inc is one of them ....Its nitrofurozone in the water that turns it yellow .....the local wholesalers that they all purchase from use it in their water also much it assists incoming stress or minor afflictions no one will ever know 100% but its a start....
There fish are a mixture of local wholesale and tranship ....90% of the fish at all stores are coming from the same local wholesalers once a week or so a few stores tranship directly in .....Marine inc is one of them ....Its nitrofurozone in the water that turns it yellow .....the local wholesalers that they all purchase from use it in their water also much it assists incoming stress or minor afflictions no one will ever know 100% but its a start....

Thanks for clearing that up Matt. You are definitely one to know about this stuff from what I saw on your build thread and previous posts. I noticed the yellow water as well lol. One thing I will say again is that their livestock looks better than mainly any of the stores in Miami. I dont want to bash any stores but I can appreciate good quality livestock when i see it and it shows. After buying three fish and losing them from the same stores here where I live, it was frustrating. Im glad I got to have a positive experience with a new store.
I love there fish prices but not impressed at all on there coral prices there selection is great but my private dealer in Miami gardens has better deals and I live 10min from marine net.
I love there fish prices but not impressed at all on there coral prices there selection is great but my private dealer in Miami gardens has better deals and I live 10min from marine net.

A private dealer doesnt have to deal with "brick and mortar" costs. Rent, power, water, EMPLOYEE's, etc. Just like fragers, or local vendors dont, so sure, they can always give you better prices.

I was there this weekend with MrX and the fish I got where very well priced, and in great shape, as was the one coral i bought.
I didn't say the corals weren't healthy on the contrary I love there live stock always healthy but the corals are still a bit overpriced for my taste.
I stopped by this weekend as well. I was happy with their selection. I picked up a yellow tang and a flame angel. So far they are doing great looking healthy and eating any food input in the tank. I was pretty happy over all with my experience. I didn't ask about the coral I strictly went to purchase fish so I can't chime in about the coral.
Went this weekend for first time and actually went both Saturday and Sunday. Bernard is the MAN!!! Cool place. Thank you for the post.