mark0933's 720G

Can you tell us who built your tank? And the size and where the different cracks are?
Also material thickness? Just to help us learn....

Unfortunately the builder is unknown (I purchased the tank used) as is the type of acrylic. The cracks emanate from the corners of the brace cut-outs (my tank top picture is posted here somewhere, but it looks like an old 4 pane window with basically a solid top panel with 4 16" x 30" cutouts in it) - the corner radius on the cutouts is less than 1/2", so that seems to be where the stress builds. The material is I believe 3/4" but may be 7/8", and that is same on top, bottom and all 4 sides.

I'll see if I can get a pic of the newer crack just to show what I mean.

Here's the pic of the top

Here's the sump area, not much to look at, but effective. Pardon the non-neat cords for the chiller, that was a temp set-up and placement for the seahorse tank to the right.


Was going to snap a pic of the display but lights not on and glass not clean :p

Well, its been a couple of years for yours too :) how's yours doing?

I was afraid you might call me out on that. The room renos around the tank grew well outside of my budget so it has been a slow process. The tank sits empty taunting me every time I enter the house. I am starting to look for the oustanding hardware but may hit a snag with Paul freezing Oceans Motions.

PS - still want a BBQ this summer?

Sure. I'll host it as long as everyone brings a bulkhead fitting and a bucket of ro water. At this point I'll be lucky to have the plumbing done by the end of the summer.