Big E
Premium Member
Mark, I suspect your ssc went due to all of the instability from your zoa adventure and subsequent tear down.. And the playing with po4 additions..
The tank is in nutrient and chemical turmoil, I think..
I think you are on the right track with more food.. But don't go crazy too quickly.. Up the quantity over a month or two..
And imo, don't add anymore po4.
It's been my experience (I know not everybody's) that naturally occurring nutrients- from organic inputs like food and fish make the corals happier than inputs of pure po4 or no3.
I know you want to get the tank back on track right now, but try to go a bit more slow...
I know.. Easy for me to say from my armchair...
Also, curious.. What's holding you back from using interceptor?
Hang in there Mark!
This is a GREAT post.............nothing more needs to be said. It is advice to anyone running an SPS system should pay close attention to........many excellent points.
Mark, some of those coral look shutdown to me.........You dipped the lokani if I'm reading right & now it's doing better? The ones that struggle are the "canary" corals, they show first signs of what's to come. Maybe you have turned the corner so some of that may be behind you.
I think you said it best, that there could be more than one source of the problems. Corals are tough and very else could they have survived for millions of years? In our closed systems once these off kilter variables get too far out of whack the corals are stressed allowing pests, bad bacteria, algae, ect. get a foothold that normally wouldn't be a problem.
I would dip any of the smaller pieces that aren't doing well and see how they look in about 7-8 days.
Think "Occums razor"..........the simplest solutions are usually the correct ones.