Thanks all, the well wished really help to keep me going.
Don't feel bad ignoring most of the pics, I like to over document the bad and good times.
I can't quite figure out why but you can just tell by the overall color of things that the tank is healthy again. I spent today arm deep arranging things and putting frags on the rocks.
A lot of brown acros, but they are plump and healthy so I'm happy.
Red Dragon frag is staying healthy, another good sign.
The big Aussie sarmentosa continues to rapidly improve, now with good polyp extension all over.
This one shocked me, I thought it was a goner. Turned brown, no polyps, and started to rapidly recede. Mid week I noticed the green polyps and already the color is improving.
It's like someone flipped the on switch. Go figure.
I have weaned the tank off of the GFO reactor. Over the week I slowly reduced the flow to a trickle and today took it offline and put the GFO in a bag and placed in the sump.
I had my hands in the tank so long the Foxface got used to me and was swimming right next to my hand. Figures that the fish with poison spines would be the one to do this.