The most amazing thing about that 18 day progression gif is the little pink coral at the base of the green stag.. crazy growth!!
Mark, I've been dosing kalk for several weeks from a static mixture that I make every other day, however, I just found a kalk mixer in my collection of reef detritus in the closet. I'm going to set it up. Should allow me to go longer than two bloody days..
Anyways, how are you dosing kalk, right now?
Hi Matt,
I have a tall rubbermaid garbage can that can hold 15 gallons of topoff. I mix Kalk in to this, full saturation at the moment, and dose it with my timed topoff ... 55 seconds every 15 minutes. Because I use lids evaporation is relatively low compared to most tanks, but I will occasionally have to run a fan overnight to increase evap, or topoff manually if it gets a little low. I tend to have to make a small correction every other week.
This is the can,
Apparently it comes with accessories? It gets some bow to it but someone else here has been using one for years without a failure.
Woah, I can put wheels on it. Not that I need wheels on it.