Pictures post cataclysm.
So in short here's what happened.
While working on the right side of the tank the big shelf shifted just enough to send the Lokani tumbling into the glass. Finally some frags ... no, wait, the damn thing put a scratch in the glass where it hit. Good grief. From that point on things just got worse. As I tried to fix it the SSC came loose and as I grabbed it to prevent damage I knocked the piece holding the horrida and it came loose. Is this some kind of cruel joke?
While the horrida was on the sandbed I took a picture. Look how blue the base is.
The left side rock structure has been an issue for a while now so since all hell was breaking loose, why not. It's basically a volcano like structure with the center being pieces of those fake rocks sticking up. None of it was glued and the structure was shifting so I did a lot of two part, shoving and gluing to get it fairly stable again. I broke a few pieces doing this but I have to say, now that things are done, I kind of like the results.
Mid reconstruction with the pumps off and the horrida base drying on the rock structure. I lifted and moved this branch piece to the right to make sure the horrida is getting the same PAR it was near the center of the tank.
After that was done it was time to reconstruct the blue stag. Here's the best growing tip that I managed to break but save.
And here is the new left side structure with the stag rocks glued in place. These are getting about 50 par more than they used to so hopefully they might decide to color back up.
One other benefit of moving the big branch over is the red planet like acro gets some extra space between it and the slimer beast.
Oh yea, when the shelf shifted the huge Valida came loose. I turned it completely around and was impressed to find a healthy base and really good color on the back side. It's jammed between two millis now but has room to continue growing in back and front.
Tested KH to make sure I didn't shake up the tank too much and end up with an Alk spike. I was surprised to find it pretty low, 6.5 or a little less. Dosed it up to 6.8 with 2 part.
So in short here's what happened.
While working on the right side of the tank the big shelf shifted just enough to send the Lokani tumbling into the glass. Finally some frags ... no, wait, the damn thing put a scratch in the glass where it hit. Good grief. From that point on things just got worse. As I tried to fix it the SSC came loose and as I grabbed it to prevent damage I knocked the piece holding the horrida and it came loose. Is this some kind of cruel joke?
While the horrida was on the sandbed I took a picture. Look how blue the base is.
The left side rock structure has been an issue for a while now so since all hell was breaking loose, why not. It's basically a volcano like structure with the center being pieces of those fake rocks sticking up. None of it was glued and the structure was shifting so I did a lot of two part, shoving and gluing to get it fairly stable again. I broke a few pieces doing this but I have to say, now that things are done, I kind of like the results.
Mid reconstruction with the pumps off and the horrida base drying on the rock structure. I lifted and moved this branch piece to the right to make sure the horrida is getting the same PAR it was near the center of the tank.
After that was done it was time to reconstruct the blue stag. Here's the best growing tip that I managed to break but save.
And here is the new left side structure with the stag rocks glued in place. These are getting about 50 par more than they used to so hopefully they might decide to color back up.
One other benefit of moving the big branch over is the red planet like acro gets some extra space between it and the slimer beast.
Oh yea, when the shelf shifted the huge Valida came loose. I turned it completely around and was impressed to find a healthy base and really good color on the back side. It's jammed between two millis now but has room to continue growing in back and front.
Tested KH to make sure I didn't shake up the tank too much and end up with an Alk spike. I was surprised to find it pretty low, 6.5 or a little less. Dosed it up to 6.8 with 2 part.