I just got up and I have a couple fish on "Team Survived The 180 Holocaust"
Copperband Butterfly
Powder Blue Tang
Diamond Spot Goby
Radiant Wrasse
I know I am not out of the clear but those are the fish that I was able to put in and try to save. I was able to put the black clowns, Blue Tang, Six line, Royal Gramma, and the Steins Shrimp Goby in my outside coral tanks which stayed above 76 all night and it good pretty cool last night.
I think I figured out where I went wrong; the powerhead. My only thought is that it was stirring the sand (for the wrasses to sleep in; dumb move) and the fish were being buried. I also lost both cleaner shrimp to the same stupidity.
I was not able to put the Achilles Tang in last night, but by the end of the day, he will be transferred over. I know that I am a reek geek and if you are reading this, you may share my passion for livestock we care for in our tanks, but what I went through picking out my dead fish was very hard. I will not go into depth what I was thinking, but I hope that if someone else ever does the 48 hour switcheroo, they can learn from my mistakes.
I will update later. I need some coffee.