Mark's 180 Starfire upgrade

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Thanks Jay. I already use selcon and garlic in my food mix. I also use nori, graciella macro and medicated pellets (I do not care about my phospates right now). It too bad as I found the tang we were PM'n about. :) :(

The PBT was stressed from the move and the achilles all at once. I am pretty sure its stress is what caused the ich cycle to start up. This is the 1st time I have ever used a UV so I just hope I am doing enough.

I am afraid to put any tangs in the display tank and I really don't want to put the new tang in with the PBT in QT or in with the spotted kole tang either. I guess I will cross that road when it comes ;)
i hate to tell you mark, but even in my 600gal the PBT would still find the others guys to pick on them. i have total 5 tangs in main display which is no where near finished my collection. i cant really tell you what to do, but what i did was let the fish fight off the ich rather then me chasing them all around and you know they will get scar up when you do catch them. i know in the beginning trying to save the livestock, but put more stressed catching and chasing after them, but eventually they will fight off the ich this is a coin toss of course. thats why i will placed all exotic fishes toward the end when all my current tangs are comfortable before adding more additions. for sure keep giving all type of vitamins mainly garlic extreme. i noticed the all tangs eat so much that they have a better chance fighting of the disease then others fishes.
After I got done with the whole episode of catching the PBT, that is what I was thinking. The two tangs will go in the tank together and I will decide on the PBT later on. As long as all the fish are eating well, that is all I am worried about right now.

At this point, its not like I am not going to add the fish I have on order. ;) It is what it is, I just need to help them as much as I can along the way.
thats what i would do is QT both of them together and feed heavy. hypo will only kill whats floating in the water column not the fish itself. i read through ton of articles on every type of disease out there when i had an outbreak. what i did was when entering QT @ 1.025 since main display was the same. i lower it over 4 days instead 48hrs, by doing 4 RO water changes to achieve my goal of 1.009 for 5 weeks then remainder last week use display water to bring back up to 1.025 wait another week then back to main display. i would wait 3 months easy before another tang be added. this is what i did and its been great ever since. thats why i am afraid of an upgrade and choose a very large tank in the beginning so not to risk harming any livestocks or new additions. hope this help
oh forgot to mention that weekly water changes and good skimming is a must while performing hyposalinity treatment.
yeah i remember that one i lost, and was really mad since they didn't have too many of those around. thats why i went through a lot learning how to maintain all the fishes and diets. it will take at least 6 months for the color to show up really nice. my duss after 6 months still in 2ng fuge is doing very well and finally colored up nicely, starting to grow streamers as well.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12224673#post12224673 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Marko9
It all helps ;) Thanks again Bart. I just hope the Acanthurus maculiceps comes in healthier than the Ctenochaetus truncatus.

I could only hope that it looks even close to Mike's. From many of the photos of adults, it is hard to even believe they are the same fish.
So Mark i guess you liked my tang :)
watch out mine has a bad disposition he owns the tank he killed a copperband last week
he is very teritorial
Mark, have you tried a fresh water dip? I do not dare to introduce PBT and Achilles for they're ick magnet. Right now I have 16 tangs in my tank and do not have any problem. I have spotted check kole tand the other type pooted check.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12224767#post12224767 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by brianbigoats
So Mark i guess you liked my tang :)
watch out mine has a bad disposition he owns the tank he killed a copperband last week
he is very teritorial

Brian, to be totally honest, I forgot you even had fish in your tank and I was in awe of your amazing corals and how they stay glues down to th erocks with all that flow :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12224792#post12224792 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jesus
Mark, have you tried a fresh water dip? I do not dare to introduce PBT and Achilles for they're ick magnet. Right now I have 16 tangs in my tank and do not have any problem. I have spotted check kole tand the other type pooted check.


Thanks Jesus. I have never done a freshwater dip as I am afraid I will kill them. Do you still have the 3 tellow belly blue tangs? What is your favorite at the moment?

Thanks for chiming in. You are definitely one of the reefers in area that I listen to and try to learn from as your success speaks for itself ;) You coming up anytime soon?
I hope youll have better luck with PBT. I have 4 yellow belly but my favorite is pottedCheek and the yellow/scopa hybrid. Need to check put your tank one of this days.

Jesus- Anytime you head this way, you are more than welcome. Just PM me if you get the itch.

I need to get down there to visit as well, but I kind of have been busy lately ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12225962#post12225962 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Marko9
Brian, to be totally honest, I forgot you even had fish in your tank and I was in awe of your amazing corals and how they stay glues down to the rocks with all that flow :lol:
its only 120x in my elos it will only be 70x flow 4 vortex and 1 nano stream 6045 plus return pump
Thats nuts. I am already having problems with a couple of acros that are too close to the vortech's That is why I went with the two vortechs, 2 6055's and the 2 modded 6025's. The flow looks really good. I am sure I will add more as things grow in.

When are you coming to town the next time?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12233505#post12233505 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tbone28
are your vortechs causing problems?

I have some pieces that are mounted too close to one of my nanos and the vortech needs to move a few inches over so it does not blow the tissue off the coral. You will learn about what that is like one day tbone :lol: That is, if those patio sunscreen covers don't block all the light from your T5's.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12233552#post12233552 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tbone28
give me 5 years :D

In 5 years, your tank will be over grown. You will be amazed in your growth 12 months down the road. If I was you, I'd get a couple quick growers to help fill in the reef.
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