I already posted my sump arrangements some time ago. Basically, my siporax box is situated in the middle chamber of my sump after skimmer. The middle section is under-over and over-under arrangement. The water flow is about 1500 lt per hour or even a little less if I do not clean the flexi tube connected to my return pump.
I have just checked my log book to understand the changes that occurred to NO3 and PO4 in relation to no of fish and siporax. The relevant data are shown below:
20/Sep/2015: N03: 0.5-1 ppm; PO4: 0.046-0.092 mg/l; No of fish: 6
26/Sep/2015: No.of fish: 11
4/Oct/2015: NO3: 0.5-1 ppm; PO4: 0.046-0.092 mg/l
7/Oct/2015: No. of fish: 13
20/Oct/2015: (3 lt siporax added) No of fish: 15
29/Oct/2015: (4.5 lt more siporax added- total 7.5 lt): NO3: 1.0-2.5 ppm
7/11/2015: No3: 2.5 ppm; PO4: 0.046-0.092 mg/l
28/11/2015: NO3: 1.0-2.5 ppm
13/12/2015: NO3: 2.5 ppm; PO4: 0.046 mg/l
27/12/2015: NO3: 2.5 ppm
31/12/2015: No of fish: 16
9/1/2016: NO3: 5 ppm; PO4: 0.046 mg/l
21/1/2016: NO3: 2.5-5 ppm; PO4: 0.024 mg/l
13/2/2016: NO3: 5-10 ppm; PO4: 0.046-0.092 mg/l
4/3/2016: NO3: 5-10 ppm; PO4: 0.046-0.092 mg /l
My interpretation of the above data is that adding additional fish definitely impacted negatively on the nitrates, but did not affect the phosphates. Furthermore, adding siporax initially did not have any impact on any of the nutrient readings. However, after adding the 16th fish, there was a upward spike in nitrate readings. This coincides with perhaps the maturation of whatever bacteria must have colonied siporax. The nitrate spike happened approximately 3 month after placing the second batch of the siporax media. if I am right, then why did this happen? Is it because my set up encourages more aerobic bacteria than anaerobic bacteria? Is it because siporax is clogged up, which then started to cause issues?
I will try to rinse the media inside the sump without exposing it to air as much as possible to eliminate the possibility of clogging up. If nothing changes, then perhaps I should remove the media in stages to see what happens.
Any feedback would be appreciated.