Matrix (and siporax) questions, to keep from derailing Sahin's thread.....

I cut the bottom off a remora c skimmer and made a surface skimmer box out of it, I also cut all but about 4-5" off the intake pipe of the canister filter and it draws water from the box. This helps to keep the tank's water surface nearly film free and the bacteria and copepods are loving it. FWIW i think my copepod blooms have doubled in size since I have used the canister filter with matrix.
Sorry but I don't have picture capability yet. I also made a mistake earlier, I bought 8 liters of matrix and about 7 will fit into the c360 canister filter. And FWIW, Seachem recommends Matrix be used in a canister filter for best results.
So is everyone thinking that sipromax is better than matrix? I'm trying to decide which to use... Maybe I should use one canister of each.... I don't know, but I saw a great thread about the matrix in someone's reef tank and I haven't seen a thread about sipromax in a reef.

Does anyone have experience with both?
The way some reefers stack sipromax in their sump looks to me to be an excellent way to use the media to it's max potential. On the other hand I think the pebble shape of the Matrix and use in a canister filter is also a very good way to utilize it.
Would siporax mini in a media reactor at slow flow be a good idea?im able to get some locally the rings are hard to come bye..
Does anyone have 1L of unused 25mm Pond Siporax they'd sell & ship to me via paypal payment?

I was about to purchase a 1" and 4" slab of Marinepure before reading this entire post. Now I'm thinking for my 45g with stand alone ATS filtration I'll make an eggcrate box to hold 1L of vertically stacked Siporax 15mm inside 1L of 25mm Pond to offset my open flow DT concept of two RealReef Rock islands.

I plan on stocking a bit heavy and feeding a bit heavy. Does 2L of Siporax in the sump with a Turbo L2 Rev 3 ATS sound like a good fit?

Thanks guys
I have been running Matrix in a c360 canister filter for about 8 weeks now. The canister will hold 4 liters of matrix, but I removed enough matrix to make room for a bag of carbon and a thin sheet of filter floss. So, max flow for me through the matrix is probably less than 360 gph. I use Prodibio Bioclean on the 1st and 15th of the month (or the weekend closest). I feed heavily 3 times a day. I removed all the live rock and rubble from the tank except for the buried rubble the pistol shrimp uses for it's Casa Grande. My structure is now a resin mangrove root thinga-ma-jig.

I use the " Biggle's Matrix Coefficient" of 1L/10g which is 10X over mfg recommended and it is working great for me.

Nitrates 5-10, and those @#$#@#%$#* phosphates are undetectable!

What does working great mean? Do you have corals? What do you think the benefits have been in your experience? Thank you.
AF guy here and just ordered 1000ml of Siporax for my sump. Looks like I will be stacking in a box utilizing the column methods as shown. Good stuff, thanks for all the info.

Only question I have, is 1000ml enough? Full AF program with biotics and roughly 180g water volume. Also run bio pellets, reactor with zeo mix/carbon/phos minus. My fuge is all about dead of course now that the water has been so stripped.

FWIW I have 2L in my sump for a 30 gallon but to me that is a ton and probably overkill. I think if you load up you'll want to eventually back off the biopellets some. In my 60 gallon I'm going with Matrix and will aim for about 4L if I can fit it all in my sump. I know Biggles was going with 1L/10gal of Matrix I believe but that's the only writeup I've seen for numbers. Certainly I don't think you can have too much - worst case is they won't be fully colonized with the bacteria you're hoping to grow.
Quick update on the siporax 8 liters of it in my sump for a 400 liters tank water volume.
It is overkill but it works - everytime when I need to smash the no3 and po4 down a notch.
All I do is drop 2 droplets of zeovit zeobak.
Fairly easy and next few days - all my corals would colour up nicely - almost like it gave up some zoox - bit of pastel colours come back into the sps corals.
Quick update on the siporax 8 liters of it in my sump for a 400 liters tank water volume.
It is overkill but it works - everytime when I need to smash the no3 and po4 down a notch.
All I do is drop 2 droplets of zeovit zeobak.
Fairly easy and next few days - all my corals would colour up nicely - almost like it gave up some zoox - bit of pastel colours come back into the sps corals.

My experience is almost similar - 10 liter Siporax in the coast to coast overflow 350 liter aquarium total.
30ppm nitrate and 0.08 phos to begin with- no bac additions except adding this media and two weeks later nitrate at 3ppm phos 0.00
I am looking forward to returning to my aquarium in a couple of months to see both the maturation of the media and to stock the tank with some SPS.
Maybe I might stack the Siporax in an orderly fashion if the filtration requires it.
Furthermore this tank has no live rock as you can see, I removed the liverock the day I put the Siporax in the coast to coast.
Photo taken a month ago.

My experience is almost similar - 10 liter Siporax in the coast to coast overflow 350 liter aquarium total.
30ppm nitrate and 0.08 phos to begin with- no bac additions except adding this media and two weeks later nitrate at 3ppm phos 0.00
I am looking forward to returning to my aquarium in a couple of months to see both the maturation of the media and to stock the tank with some SPS.
Maybe I might stack the Siporax in an orderly fashion if the filtration requires it.
Furthermore this tank has no live rock as you can see, I removed the liverock the day I put the Siporax in the coast to coast.
Photo taken a month ago.

I like this idea. I will say that if you stack it, it will take up way less space in your overflow.
I've read the entire thread but never came across the dimensions of a stacked liter. Does anyone know if that is posted somewhere.
I added 2L of Matrix into my bubble trap in my sump for my 180g and have seen my nitrates go down, thinking of adding more.

Anyone see a problem adding it to my bubble trap?
My experience is almost similar - 10 liter Siporax in the coast to coast overflow 350 liter aquarium total.
30ppm nitrate and 0.08 phos to begin with- no bac additions except adding this media and two weeks later nitrate at 3ppm phos 0.00
I am looking forward to returning to my aquarium in a couple of months to see both the maturation of the media and to stock the tank with some SPS.
Maybe I might stack the Siporax in an orderly fashion if the filtration requires it.
Furthermore this tank has no live rock as you can see, I removed the liverock the day I put the Siporax in the coast to coast.
Photo taken a month ago.

It helped lower ur phosphate????