Mike de Leon
New member
Are you running flow through it with a pump or just sitting in your sump passively?
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It's in a canister so I have to have water run thru it fed from my return...
Are you running flow through it with a pump or just sitting in your sump passively?
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My ozone reactor sprung a leak from high pressure patches it up and turned it into a siporax reactor.
4 plus litter and 6 liters in sump
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I don't think it's fair to give advice without showing the results you've gotten yourself....so here are pictures of my system. The center portion of my sump is filled with 2 liters of matrix, siporax and live rock. The water has to go through this section to get to the return pump.
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Would you say this is a result of running Siporax?
It's time to report now on wether this is making a difference for everyone???
I have ordered 3 times now from the guy on ebay from Austria (Wttomy1) . Mine came in sealed bags with no labels on the bags at all.
Would you say this is a result of running Siporax?
It's time to report now on wether this is making a difference for everyone???
Yes I think it's a direct result of running Siporax, matrix and live rock. I've never used GFO or Carbon and no filter socks. Just a skimmer and media for bacteria. I do dose a little Tropic Marin NP Bacto-Balance to fine tune nutrients to where I like them.
I have a question . Is it possible to use Sera Siporax as the only filtration media to replace the skimmer ?
Well, I'm online. I was able to get about 1.5L of media in the reactor. Based on calculations of the other thread, I set the reactor to about 80gal/hr (5" diameter reactor). This flow rate seems really high. If I did it by eye I'd probably be running half as much flow through there. Anyone care to comment?
@Rovster are you still using the Siporax? How you liking it?