Matrix (and siporax) questions, to keep from derailing Sahin's thread.....

My Siporax 3 month in the sump, but still nitrates and phosphates a little bit high. After 3 months nothing changed with NO3 and PO4 levels. Looks like it doesn't work.

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My target for Nitrate is 1-3 ppm. To get this I use an algae turf scrubber and dose just enough vodka/vinegar to get the Nitrates in my target range. I could never do this when I was running biopellets no matter how small the amount of pellets was that I used.
I added about 7 liters of Matrix to a moderate flow area of the sump for my 240 gallon system to try to reduce the about of carbon I'm dosing. The matrix has only been in the tank for about 2 months so I will wait and see if there is any change in carbon dosing.


My target for Nitrate is 1-3 ppm. To get this I use an algae turf scrubber and dose just enough vodka/vinegar to get the Nitrates in my target range. I could never do this when I was running biopellets no matter how small the amount of pellets was that I used.
I added about 7 liters of Matrix to a moderate flow area of the sump for my 240 gallon system to try to reduce the about of carbon I'm dosing. The matrix has only been in the tank for about 2 months so I will wait and see if there is any change in carbon dosing.

How is the matrix working out?

I had 2 liters of siporax after some research on my 330 but after seeing the cost of siporax (more large pond version) I also added 4liters of seachem pond matrix in a lower flow area of my sump.

After 3 months of nitrates being in the 80 range I ran carbon and 2 liters siporax and 4 liters pond matrix. not until the second month did it really start to come down. I run socks so detritus build up is very minimal. I also have it in 1 liter bags so I can pull them and shake them and loosen any build up.

I now use 6 liters of regular matrix:

Nitrates are still over 5 but considering were I started and the fact that I have cutoff carbon I am happy with results. I now have 4 more liters of pond matrix for a total of 8 liters of pond matrix 6 liters of regular matrix and 2 liters of the smellier Siporax.

I have not tested Nitrate since Dec 26 and it was at 2.0 then. My dosage of DIY NOPOX has been steady at 16ml per day for the 240 gallon system. I will test again soon and see if they have gone up. Sounds like it is working for you. I like the idea of using the siporax but the pond matrix is so much cheaper. I have considered getting some of the Eheim substrate pro glass media as it is also very affordable. My sump is pretty full right now but I have an upgrade planned so I will probably get more media then.
I have two MarinePure blocks in my 100g sump, I run a RW-4 for added flow and my nitrites dropped like a rock when I removed my fish to QT and now fallow. I've had to add nitrate every week to maintain 5ppm, otherwise my corals turn pale very quickly.

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Make sure you are using enough Siporax to get the results you are looking for. Carlinhos Moreno uses 140 liters of Siporax to manage his 2000 liter TOTM setup. That works out to 26 liters of Siporax per 100 gallons of water. While this ratio is significantly higher ratio than what the manufacturer says is required, it is inexpensive, safe, and the results speak for themselves.

"I got about 140 liter of Siporax Pond in 4 perforated boxes (see pictures)"
"Display gross capacity is close to 1,000 liter again, and I have another 1,000 liter of water circulating through the complete filtration system".
Thinking of adding some matrix, how does one determine how much to use? Does it go liter to gallon? Or does it depend on bioload?

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Yes, 26 liters of Siporax per 100 gallons and you will achieve results in short order. That's the approximate ratio that has proven most effective in many systems including the godfather of Siporax - Carlinhos Moreno, Sahin, myself and many others. You can use less and still get positive results as rovster and many others will attest but if you are looking for a home run in less time and don't mind spending a little extra up front, you won't be disappointed.

Think of Siporax media as a form of low cost, space saving rock that requires relatively little space. Like rock, you can never have too much of it but if you don't have enough, you may not have enough surface area in your system for bacteria to thrive. In my case, I have a minimal amount of live rock in my display tank and I make up for that with Siporax tucked away in the sump. MarinePure blocks essentially work the same way.

On a side note, pods love both medias so if you're looking to increase your pod population, you can't go wrong with either of them.
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Thinking of adding some matrix, how does one determine how much to use? Does it go liter to gallon? Or does it depend on bioload?

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Bioload and other filtration is going to determine that. No way there can be a set rule for it all. Every tank is different.
Yes, it goes 26 liters of Siporax per 100 gallons of water. That seems to be the approximate ratio that has proven itself most effective in many systems including Carlinhos Moreno's TOTM. Using less Siporax media is liken to using less rock.

26l:100gallons?!!!!!!! 26liters!? Amazon sales 10l boxes for $199.99! You need 26 per 100 gallons?! Is that correct?!

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And I thought I had enough matrix (14 Liters) for my 330 gallon. I guess I should have ordered the 5 gallon :-). All kidding aside I can see the reasons behind adding that much siporax and here is why.

With that much media bad events like a spike in No3 or Nitrate (Mass die off) can minimize the impact in change.

Also bacteria in water column can be a good source of nutrients for corals (Like carbon) but to adding that much media with out setting a benchmark might be a waste or can be potentially bad in the event of some mass die off which can result in to a bacteria bloom and oxygen depravation. More so since there is no scientific data only manufacture claims and usage suggestions.

I see the results in his case but not sure if it is the quantity of Siporax or other variables.

I my self might add more matrix but only 4 more liters as I am seeing results already.

Make sure you are using enough Siporax to get the results you are looking for. Carlinhos Moreno uses 140 liters of Siporax to manage his 2000 liter TOTM setup. That works out to 26 liters of Siporax per 100 gallons of water. While this ratio is significantly higher ratio than what the manufacturer says is required, it is inexpensive, safe, and the results speak for themselves.

"I got about 140 liter of Siporax Pond in 4 perforated boxes (see pictures)"
"Display gross capacity is close to 1,000 liter again, and I have another 1,000 liter of water circulating through the complete filtration system".
According to Seachem Matrix has more surface area than siporax? I assumed siporax would have been more.

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If you look around it seems highly debated. Siporax has been around a very long time and with great success in Freshwater. I now BRS provided number for rock and other medias but Siporax and Matrix have never been put to the test.

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Repost with corrected link:

Make sure you are using enough Siporax to get the results you are looking for. Carlinhos Moreno uses 140 liters of Siporax to manage his 2000 liter TOTM setup. That works out to 26 liters of Siporax per 100 gallons of water. While this ratio is significantly higher ratio than what the manufacturer says is required, it is inexpensive, safe, and the results speak for themselves.

"I got about 140 liter of Siporax Pond in 4 perforated boxes (see pictures)"
"Display gross capacity is close to 1,000 liter again, and I have another 1,000 liter of water circulating through the complete filtration system".

26l:100gallons?!!!!!!! 26liters!? Amazon sales 10l boxes for $199.99! You need 26 per 100 gallons?! Is that correct?!

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Haha, Carlinhos Moreno uses 140 liters in his 530 gallon system so yes, you read correctly. If you haven't already, be sure to check out his TOTM article. Its a good read and there are several pictures of his Siporax containers.

$199 for 10 liters of Siporax? That's WAY expensive! Search ebay for "SIPORAX POND BIO RINGS 25mm FOR MARINE TANK, POND, SUMPS BIOLOGICAL FILTER MEDIA" and select the 25 liter option. There you will find it in 25 liter containers shipped to your door for just $175. MUCH CHEAPER THAT WAY.


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