Maui/ Kaui snorkeling suggestions. collecting?

Baltimore Bryan

New member
I'm going to Maui and Kaui in a couple of weeks and wanted to see if anyone had suggestions for good snorkeling sites. Also, I know Hawaii is very strict about not damaging/ collecting hard corals, but does anyone know about a way to legally collect soft corals? I've heard it can be done from a few people but I don't know if there are any specific permits required or not for soft corals.
Best snorkling from shore....


Poi Pu in the South and Tunnels Beach in the North. The absolutely best on Kaui, however, is a small relatively unknown beach up at Princeville. It is reached by an almost vertical staircase over by the tennis courts on the right just as you approach the hotel.


Black rock at Kannapali in the North ......Wailea point......but, Fish Bowl past Makena in the South is my favorite.
I agree - Kaanapali, black rock on Maui, On Kauai, in Princeville, ask for directions to "the Queens Bath". I think that is the place Steveweast is referring to with the steep staircase. Lots of sea turtles there.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll be staying at Poi Pu for 5 days so I'll get some good snorkeling there and I'll try to hit up some of the other places. I'll try and take some pictures to show everyone.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15240086#post15240086 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by yousmellsfishy
I agree - Kaanapali, black rock on Maui, On Kauai, in Princeville, ask for directions to "the Queens Bath". I think that is the place Steveweast is referring to with the steep staircase. Lots of sea turtles there.

Nope.....the beach that I'm refering to is called Hideaways....Queen's bath is just South of Hideaways. Hideaways is the the most incredible tiny, private, secluded beach on the island. It appears in only one tour book (the Ultimate Kaui Handbook). The small pink coral sand beach fronts an excellent protected reef.....Queen's bath has similar snorkling....but has not nearly as nice or as private of a beach. Queen's bath even has a parling lot and signs so at Hideaways. I always go to Hideways when I go to Kaui.....and I'm always the only one there. That staircase down the cliff is a true deterent to most tourists....even if they do find the entrance.