Meeting potluck list and attendance confirmation


New member
Ok so we need to get a list started on what each person is kindly going to bring to the meeting's potluck. This will also give the club an idea on how many people are going to attend the meeting for sure.

As stated before the meeting will be on Sunday, December 5th at 12:30 at the Coral Reef in El Paso, TX.

I will be bringing sodas and pigs in a blanket.
Well from the looks of things we are only going to have eight people attend the meeting, or maybe only eight of us plan to bring anything to eat for the pot luck. Being as we still have plenty of time I guess there is no rush to post.
So far I have the day off. Being December and all I am waiting to make sure someone does not "get sick" during the holidays...

Ill know for sure come December.
Just a teaser of what I will be bring. ;) These are in the sump so hope they make it until December!


puffin04, please do bring yourself. but please also bring a frag for a door prize as well as a frag or something saltwater related for the white elepahnt gift game. A food item would be nice as well, thanks.

Looking good Jay, you are the man. Now that is the spirit we should all have about this club and this meeting. Come on gals and guys lets get this thing going and make it a big turn out for a great meeting. :wave:
ill have some sps frags for sure, nothing crazy, monti cap, some other nice pieces that dont have that much color to them, oh but i should have a nice piece of a ora neon birdsnest that has amazing color. over all a handfull of sps frags if anyone is interested in, if not ill just take the couple of nice ones for the festivities.
December 5th is right around the corner! Please add yourself and what you would like to bring to this thread. Don't forget your item for the gift exchange.
Don't forget Guys and Gals, the meeting is this Sunday @ 12:30. Please show up to the meeting, they are allways fun. Feel free to bring something if you have not already posted that you were bringing something. Hope to have a good turn out.

If you are not an active member you are also welcome to the meeting, come check it out and see what its all about.

Erik Guzman
Is some keeping track of what we are taking because I had said I was going to bring drinks but I read before me someone else had signed up for drinks should I bring something diffrent?