Meeting Reminder - water testing


Premium Member
Meeting tonight!

The next meeting will be held at the New River Middle School on Tuesday, March 25th, 2008 at 7:15 pm. Bring in a water sample and test for routine water conditions and as well as hard-to-find elements to see how your tank is really doing. Calibrate your pH monitor and refractometer as well.

If you have salifert test kits at home, you may want to bring extra vials and/or syringes with you.
I PMed you with the link to the FMAS website and application page. Fill it out and bring it to the meeting with a check. Even if they cant process you today you are welcome at the meeting.
Yeah, and I slept through it! Took a 2 hour nap instead of going to the meeting...wish I could have made it...would love to do some of those obscure tests on my water at some point. Hope it was a good one and sorry I missed it!
I enjoyed the meeting. It was the most low key I've been to. Everyone just hung out, chatted and conducted their tests. Luckily, my params were all in the acceptable ranges, considering I've haven't tested my water in a while (oops).