meets & website?

meets & website?

  • Yes, I'd love to

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • NOPE - I don't care

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • I'm anti-social & live in a card-board box!

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Whats the point?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


In Memoriam
1. meets ... would people be interested in all getting together some evening?
what about monthly meets ... every month @ a different 'members' house/appartment/cardboard box ... maybe BBQ, or just to show off the tank, and maybe swapping frags if interest arrises?!

2. i went ahead & re-registered .... i can host it for free .... whomever took care of it in the past .. if you still have the content for the old site .. let me know & we can put it back up.

just my thoughts ... i know i'd love to check out some of the other local tanks, sit & chat & soak up some knowledge & information.

any interest?
I hosted one in the past- attendance was poor, and everyone sort of lost interest. I don't know why. Dawn
Well, normally I would be but I am going to be taking my tank down. Other issues to deal with at this time.

If anyone is interested I will be selling my 2 LARGE Montis, 2 large Crocea Clams, other assorted SPS and some finger leathers. I would rather sell them pretty cheap to locals rather than to to the LFS. No shipping, local pickup only.

After the livestock is gone I will have a 48" PFO 2 x 175 MH, 2 x96pc with ballasts and the 75g tank. The stand goes with the tank. It is not a "fine" piece of furniture but built like a tank! I will post pics this weekend
I'd be interested but prolly way to busy to attend..... but hey if it develops let me know I'll do my best to help with whatever you guys need.
Looks like interest is low- parr for the course in the past. Maybe if we could get one of the reputable shops like Boardroom involved, we could get a better response.

Regards, Dawn.