Memphis/Bartlett area nanos for sale?


New member
Hi all,
I was curious to know if anyone in Memphis/Bartlett/Cordova (ect) had any tanks or equipment they were looking to sell? Preferrably anything under 20 gallons. Bonus if you have a JBJ Picotope for sale!

Thanks :fish2:
Tempting but quite a bit out of my budget range, was trying to stay around 100-150$ :)

Although... if you happen to have some cheato for when I do get a tank setup, let me know ;D
i was planning to sell it around that price range actually...just no livestock or the koralias

Ah interesting!
I'm not worried about any livestock, thats something I'll worry about another time. Is everything on the tank running fine? No leaks or equipment failures? Also what equipment would you include? Thanks ;)
the tank is up and running leaks or anything at all...i have a 150w halide over it now...that i would include for the right price!!

come look at it if you in collierville
the tank is up and running leaks or anything at all...i have a 150w halide over it now...that i would include for the right price!!

come look at it if you in collierville

I might just do that this weekend, my husbands family lives in C'ville

MH lights probably.. well.. I'm not exactly rich XD I planned on getting the equipment first, and then slowly working on getting the lr ls and such..
BTW the name is Yvonne
i won't be here till sunday evening, i'll be in heber

its a good problems with it at even has a nice little table that it sits on...i'll take some pics tonight