mesh mod octo extreme 160

Although linking to a competitor's forum is not really cool ;) , I still do not recommend doing a mesh mod with Sicce pumps. There are too many startup issues, and reverse spin issues with these pumps to shy away from the pinwheel. The pinwheel in the Sicce pumps performs very well, and there really is no need to to change anything up.

If you have any questions please let me know, as I have ran just about every skimmer available on the market in any combination of impeller you can imagine. I'd be more than willing to help.

On the 160 the pinwheel works really well. And I agree with Jeremy the mesh does have a lot of startup issues. even when done correctly. The reverse spin is the bigger issue and is more evident with the mesh for my test. Stock octo with pinwheel out of the box will pull about 18 scfh and about 20 after breaking in. with mesh about 30 scfh . But if the pump starts in reverse the mesh is only pulling about 22. THe sicce pump has a lot of modifications that can be done. I have made a new venturi for mine. Kinda a mixture of all the ones from different places. I am expecting a 5scfh+ increase in just the venturi. And the Pinwheel that is stock is ok. not the best one out there for the sicce but it works. And wors well on the 160. The 200 model handles the mesh much better. Just my two cents. The best I have seen out of a fully modded pinwheel sicce was 42 scfh. Their was alot of work done on that pump but that was simply amazing to me on pinwheel. For a sicce that is.

some different pin/w for Sicce pumps!

There is a new pin/w from ATB, (I believe) "the purple one"
IT seems to really do a good Job :)
:D Ditto, the above post!
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