mh coverage


New member
In the interest of saving some $ what are peoples thoughts on lighting for the conventional 180g tank. Could you go with 2x400 watt mh w/ suplimental atinics or is 3x250 recomended w/ suplimental atinics. From what i understand mh are good for apporx 2 square feet tank but is that for less intense hm's. This tank would include sps and other mixed corals.
You can stretch halides to 30 inches without giving up too much in the tank, but 36 inches is a bit too much although you could get away with it with 400w bulbs if you have no center braces. I would go with the 3x250w setup myself. You will get better lighting IMO, and it will not be that much more expensive since 400w bulbs are generally more expensive than 250w bulbs.
Like szwab said, Lumenarc III's will cover about a 3' x 3' area.

With your tank, I'd go 3 DE RO pendants.
if you can, try 2 halides if you don't like the look then get a 3rd.
between 400's and 25's the 400 will be brighter but the spread will be the same for both
I just got my 3 250w 10k mh's and 2 180w 72"vho actinics for my 150. dont know what it looks like yet. hopefully good. will know tomorow. How wide is your tank?
You'd be better off with the 3x250w MH, to be honest. If you try to cut costs now, then later on you'll wish you had it.