Well Sunday is here and I made my normal weekly additions of Fauna Marin Color Elements, but I cut the amount in half, to 5mL each of the Blue/Purple and Red/Purple complexes. I also added 1 ml of Kent Iron/Manganese and 6 drops of Zeofood7(since I don't have any other liquid coral foods at the moment). The corals are doing well and recovering from whatever plagued them last week.
I have recently really gotten the Cyano under control, I have figured out a few things about it that may help others:
1) I have a very fine sand bed- about 3/4" to 1.5" depth. Originally it was southdown play sand but I have replaced much of the front sand about a yer ago with reef-eden tonga mini flakes. Its fine but not dusty. Anyhow, I always had Cyano on the sand, especially when nutrients were low. After adding the Gyre, the Cyano disappeared everywhere except the lowest flow portions of the sanded. I'm pretty sure that if I had two Alternating Gyres, the cyan would all have been gone. What I also noticed was that Cyano was limited to the areas where the sand was deeper and where bubbles could be seen under the surface of the sand bed(along the glass). Basically, when the sand gets around an inch and a half deep, it starts to produce nitrogen bubbles because of denitrification. If the flow of water over the sand is not fast enough to flush away this Nitrogen gas, Cyano can use it and start to grow there. I now just adjust the sand from time to time to keep the sand thinner where the flow is slower and thicker where flow is high.
Only the slightest dusting of brown was remaining and I could easily live with that.
But as a bonus, the Metal adsorber and poly-filter I added pulled something out of the water, because the sand is now pure white and completely clear of Cyano or diatoms!