I'm very happy with them too, I wanted a pink acro bit then the blue caught my eye as I passed the tank and I skidded to a stop! The Store owner talked to me about the blue corals I was drooling over, then my rational mind asked "but will they hold their color?" He pointed out that the ones I was looking at were freshly fragged and then pointed to another, more intensely colored group of frags that had encrusted. I had to have one then!
Oh, and if you are ever to visit southern California, let me know, I'd love to meet you in person!
So I have been wondering what is up with the corals and the tank and as stated before, I was convinced that there was some metal poisoning from Aluminum shavings. I couldn't find much about Aluminum's negative effects on aquariums, and my LFS owner said he hadn't seen much in the way of toxicity from Aluminum either.
I was staring at the acros tonight wondering why they just seemed "Off". There are still issues with some only showing partial PE, and some spots that look "burned". The colors looked wrong too. I finally figured it out - the acros are bleached! They are bleached like they would look if I did a massive overdose of Zeospur. There is still coral pigment, but when you look up close, the subtle dots and pinstripes of the zooxanthellae are gone.
I have Zeospur, and I've felt that it was an overrated product mainly because it didn't do almost anything to the acroporas in the tank when I used it. When I first got it I used it at 20% strength and got nothing, each time I used more and more. Eventually I was up to double strength! Still not much of a change, most corals still had visible zooxanthellae, but shortly after dosing there would be a reaction from the corals like they had been stung, pulling polyps mostly in, mesenterial filaments out. Once I had a mega overdose by accident, I was not paying full attention to what I was doing and added .5 OZ rather than the 5MLs I was intending, and the corals actually expelled pretty much all their zooxanthellae and looked a lot like they do now. I haven't added any Zeospur in months, mainly because I saw pretty much no positive effect.
What causes this when using Zeospur? Well, very little research has been done on this but copper causes the expulsion, but alone you need so much copper that you would kill the coral. In the presence of Zinc, however, much less copper is needed. I didn't add any Zinc, but that doesn't mean that another element couldn't have the same effect when combined with copper. I use FM Elements at about 2/3 the weekly dose one dose a week, Sunday morning. FM Elements contains copper and is already formulated to "gently" reduce the amount of zooxanthellae in the coral tissues. It is possible that the Aluminum that was in the water from he shavings combined with the trace copper I added with the Sunday morning dosing of FM Elements, causing a big zooxanthellae expulsion event.
Until I receive something to bind metals(LFS out of Polyfilter, had to order online), The corals are continuing to be irritated by the metals and are getting a little cooked by too much light. I will feed pappone tonight and reduce the daylight tomorrow to compensate, hopefully that will save the couple of corals that are struggling a bit. Luckily the new corals are doing just fine.
You should look into a good amino additive. Aqua vitro fuel is decent, and I still like acro power. They will definitely help a bleached coral recover, but you will likely get a cyano bloom which isn't a big deal. I don't think the amino is the cure but it will help.
Given the situation, I would consider taking a shop vac to the sump and drain it completely. The water change will only help the system, and suck out any metal shavings that might still be in there.
Also, it's a good thing that you didn't spend big $$ on that cool red frag. It's nice but it has a red shadow![]()
+1 on rich,especially regarding fuel and sump cleaning.
From what i read there is still time to act so i'm sure you won't have any losses
Yeah, I was using a medicine cup with mL and OZ markings and I filled to 0.5 OZ, which is roughly 3X the max dose for the tankThanks, if I ever visit S.Cali I will contact you. You're most welcome to my humble home if you ever visit London, UK.
0.5oz Zeospur2??? Ouch! I bought a bottle of Zeospur many years ago when I briefly dabbled with Zeovit but only used it once or twice and didnt really like the effect.
I'd carry out a few successive water changes; something like 15% every other day for at least 10 days. That will balance things out a bit and also deal with any other potential water issues.
If you have any CoralVitalizer and SpongePower (and dont have Aiptasia) I suggest dosing them as they do help the corals recover. But dont go out an buy it; only worth it if you already have them.
I got the poly filter and ultra sorb yesterday afternoon but by then most of the corals showing stress we're looking better already. I put the absorbers in anyway and everything is looking really good today. The snails seem more energetic but that could be my imagination- they are good indicators for metal poisoning though and a few did die during this event.
I have a few spots like this in my tank - it seems like no matter what I put there it just doesn't do well. Sorry this is happening to you but I'm glad I don't have to feel like the lone ranger anymore.:uhoh3:Here is what is strange: That spot has claimed more acros than any other spot in the tank, bar none. I have had multiple acros STN right there:
I have tried different flow patterns with the thought that it was a dead spot but it consistently seems to be dangerous for SPS. The water is moving there but its more laminar then on the left side.
I had a blueberry millie there for over a month and a half about 2 or 3 months ago that also RTNd.
I have a few spots like this in my tank - it seems like no matter what I put there it just doesn't do well. Sorry this is happening to you but I'm glad I don't have to feel like the lone ranger anymore.:uhoh3:
I have a few spots like this in my tank - it seems like no matter what I put there it just doesn't do well. Sorry this is happening to you but I'm glad I don't have to feel like the lone ranger anymore.:uhoh3:
I cross them too for you buddy
Brownish is never a problem...white-ish as we say dead on the other hand is
I'm sure you will color them back in no time
How is that new red love doing?
What is the green acro called